Developmental Characters and Reason Analysis of Number Preference
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2015.511083, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,614  浏览: 9,068  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 曹碧华:江西师范大学心理学院,江西 南昌;李永芬:大连工业大学学生工作部,辽宁 大连;杨 丽, 高 明, 王香玲, 于明阳:辽宁师范大学脑与认知神经科学研究中心,辽宁 大连
关键词: 数字偏好发展特点谐音文化个人经历Number Preference Developmental Characters Homophonic Culture Personal Experiences
摘要: 采用等级排列法考察三年级、初一、高一和大学生数字偏好的发展特点及形成原因。结果表明:1) 当以百分比为指标时,三年级和初一学生最喜欢1和6,最不喜欢0;高一和大学生最喜欢7,最不喜欢4。2) 当以平均等级得分为指标时,三年级、初一和高一学生最喜欢6,大学生最喜欢6和8。另外,三年级最不喜欢0;初一最不喜欢0和4;高一和大学生最不喜欢4。3) 数字偏好的原因主要来自于谐音寓意和是否幸运,可能受多元文化和个人经历等因素的影响。这些发现表明我国青少年逐步形成“喜欢6和8,忌讳4”的数字偏好。
Abstract: To investigate the developmental characters and formed reasons of number preference, a total of 1186 subjects from the third graders, the seventh graders, Senior One students and undergra-duates took part in this experiment. They were asked to sort number 0 - 9 in terms of the likeability degree using rank-order methods. Results indicated that: 1) when the index is percentage, both the third graders and the seventh graders least liked the number 0, whereas they most liked the number 1 and 6, respectively. Senior One students and undergraduates both most liked the num-ber 7 and least liked the number 4. 2) When the study uses the average score as the index, the number 6 was the favorite number for the third graders, the seventh graders and Senior One stu-dents, while both the number 6 and 8 were the favorite numbers for undergraduates. In addition, the third graders most disliked the number 0; Senior One students and undergraduates most dis-liked the number 4; and the seventh graders most disliked both the number 0 and 4. 3) The rea-sons mainly include the implied meaning and luck, which may be influenced by different cultures and personal experiences, etc. These findings suggest that the number preference of Chinese stu-dents gradually develops with the growth of age.
文章引用:曹碧华, 李永芬, 杨丽, 高明, 王香玲, 于明阳 (2015). 数字偏好的发展特点及原因探析. 心理学进展, 5(11), 640-647. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2015.511083


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