Influence of Addicted to Online Games on Juvenile Delinquency and Countermeasures
DOI: 10.12677/OJLS.2015.34008, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,386  浏览: 9,927  国家科技经费支持
作者: 刘亚娜, 李明蔚, 高皙莹:东北师范大学政法学院,吉林 长春
关键词: 青少年网络游戏沉迷青少年犯罪防治对策Adolescents Addicted to Online Games Juvenile Crime Countermeasures
摘要: 青少年沉迷网络游戏的现象较为普遍。究其原因除了基于青少年自身特殊的心理因素外,也与网络游戏固有的“吸引力”相关,与青少年所处的家庭、学校等社会环境因素相关。网游沉迷容易滋长青少年的暴力心理与行为、高额上网及游戏费用容易引发其对金钱的过度需要、也容易在玩游戏过程中结识不良人群。网游沉迷的预防除了有赖于加强学校和家庭对青少年的教育引导、青少年自身强化自我保护的意识之外,还应借鉴域外成功经验,加强政府监管力度,强化网络游戏从业者的行业自律。
Abstract: More and more young people are becoming addicted to online games nowadays. The main reasons include their mental immaturity, families, impact from schools and the society and the online games’ inherent attractiveness. Being addicted to online games not only results in violence and excessive demand for money for internet access and in-game purchases, but also makes them easier to be exposed to misbehavior people. It relies on adolescents’ self-protection awareness and better guidance from schools and families as well as successful experience from foreign countries, stronger government supervision, and more stringent discipline for online game industry to prevent adolescents from becoming addicted to online games.
文章引用:刘亚娜, 李明蔚, 高皙莹. 沉迷网络游戏对青少年犯罪的影响及对策研究[J]. 法学, 2015, 3(4): 49-55. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJLS.2015.34008


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