The Introduction of Urban Intersection Based on Road Grade
DOI: 10.12677/OJTT.2015.44007, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,738  浏览: 8,405  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 牛馨雅, 张汝华:山东大学交通规划设计研究中心,山东 济南
关键词: 平面交叉口交叉口分类新型交叉口交通渠化设计规范Intersection Classification of Intersection New Intersection Model Channelization Design Code
摘要: 作为城市道路的瓶颈点,交叉口是城市交通的关键。但现今城市交叉口的设计具有地域相同性,一个城区内不考虑道路条件和流量就采用统一的交叉口模式。本文在总结现状城市道路交叉口类型和存在问题的基础上,根据相较道路的不同等级提出了新型交叉口的设计方案及适用性,以提高交叉口的行车顺畅性和安全性。本文仅在理论层面对新型交叉口进行了简单介绍,在后续工作中,会通过实例数据加强对新型交叉口的跟踪分析。
Abstract: As a bottleneck point of city road, the intersection is the key of city traffic. But nowadays the de-sign of city intersection often has similarity regionalism, without considering the road intersected and the flows, which are designed by a unified intersection model. In this paper, based on summarizing the classification and the issues of the intersection, we put forward the new intersection mode according to the different grades of the road, and hope to improve the security and smoothness in a certain extent. But the proposed new intersection model is only theoretical and lack of practical data. The next work is analyzing the data from practical application to build the design.
文章引用:牛馨雅, 张汝华. 基于道路等级的新型城市平面交叉口简介[J]. 交通技术, 2015, 4(4): 39-47. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJTT.2015.44007


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