From “Seeking Exotic Dream” to “The Farewell of Exotic Dream”—The Influence of the Two Chinese Line on Tanizaki Fumimanabu’s Creation
DOI: 10.12677/WLS.2015.32006, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,971  浏览: 7,340 
作者: 裴 蕾:华侨大学外国语学院,福建 泉州
关键词: 谷崎润一郎异国情调中国趣味日本传统美Tanizaki Junichiro Exotic Dream Chinese Mood Japanese Traditional Beauty
摘要: 日本文坛一代文豪谷崎润一郎继承和发展了日本的唯美主义文学,被誉为“大谷崎”,生前曾多次被提名为诺贝尔文学奖的候选人,他主张“第一是艺术,第二是人生”,坚持“艺术至上”的审美标准,毕生追求“异国情调”,其中创作了大量的以中国为舞台的“中国趣味”式小说,他曾先后两次到过中国,但是两次中国行对其创作却产生了截然相反的影响。本文拟从谷崎润一郎两次中国游历与其创作关系的角度,分析产生不同影响的原因。
Abstract: Tanizaki Junichiro who is the Japanese literary generation writer inherited and developed the Japanese aestheticism literature, known as the “big Qi”. He had repeatedly been nominated for Nobel Prize candidate. He advocated “art is the first, second is the life”, and adhered to “art is su-preme” aesthetic standards. He devoted all his life to the pursuit of “exotic”, and created a lot of “Chinese fun” novels based on China as the stage. He has been to China twice, but the two visits have produced opposite effects on his creation. This paper intends to analyze the reasons for the creation of the relationship between Yazaki Junichiro and the two time of his creation.
文章引用:裴蕾. 从“追寻异域梦”到“与梦幻异域的诀别”——论两次中国行对谷崎润一郎文学创作的影响[J]. 世界文学研究, 2015, 3(2): 34-38. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/WLS.2015.32006