The Sex Facilitation Effect in Creative Activities
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2015.53023, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,962  浏览: 9,983  科研立项经费支持
作者: 赵轶然, 弭 腾, 曹贵康:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 创造性聚合思维发散思维性别助长效应Creativity Convergent Thinking Divergent Thinking Sex Facilitation Effect
摘要: 本研究探讨性别助长效应对创造性的影响。实验一以远距离联想测试、物体特殊用途测试为实验材料,实验二以科学发明创造实验问题为实验材料,考察了异性在场是否会影响发散思维、聚合思维及创造性,以及男女性是否存在异性助长效应,结果发现:大学生在完成创造性问题(远距离联想测试RAT、科学发明创造实验问题)时,异性环境会积极影响成绩提升,表明高级心理过程存在性别助长效应。此外,女性在特定创造性任务上也存在性别助长效应,今后有必要对其他形式的创造性任务的各个方面的性别助长效应做进一步探讨。
Abstract: The research was designed to explore the influence of sex facilitation effect in creative activities. In experiment 1, we chose Remote Associative Tests and Alternative Uses Tests. In experiment 2, problem situations on scientific innovation were selected as materials. The above cooperative studies investigated two issues—the first is whether the presence of opposite sex will affect one’s divergent thinking, convergent thinking, and creativity or not; and the second is whether the sex facilitation effect exists. The data showed the opposite sex situation would enhance the performance, when undergraduates accomplished the creative questions (RAT and problem situations on scientific innovation). It reveals that sex facilitation effect happens in the advanced mental process. In addition, sex facilitation effect seemingly occurs in the female creative process, and this issue is waiting for further studies.
文章引用:赵轶然, 弭腾, 曹贵康 (2015). 创造性活动中的性别助长效应. 心理学进展, 5(3), 163-172. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2015.53023


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