The Marketing Strategy of Urban Transformation——An Interpretation of the Guangzhou Asian Games Marketing
DOI: 10.12677/mom.2011.11001, PDF, HTML, 下载: 4,287  浏览: 15,579 
作者: 周兆晴:广东决策研究院;刘志超, 张小娟:华南理工大学工商管理学院
关键词: 广州亚运营销城市转型城市营销
Guangzhou; the Asian Games marketing; urban transformation; city marketing
摘要: 借力2010年亚运会,广州实施了“蓄谋已久”的城市营销,取得良好效果:通过亚运开幕式,传播了广州的城市品牌;通过亚运规划与建设,推动了广州的城市转型;通过地域文化资源评估,重新塑造了广州的城市文化;通过巧妙的财务运筹,取得了较好的经济与社会效益。
Abstract: Drawing support from the 2010 Asian Games, Guangzhou has implemented its plan of city marketing. As a result, the city brand of Guangzhou is spread through the opening ceremony of the Asian Games; the urban transformation of Guangzhou is promoted through the planning and construction of the Asian Games; the urban culture of Guangzhou is reshaped through the research of local culture resource; favorable economic and social benefits are achieved through skillful financial logistics.
文章引用:周兆晴, 刘志超, 张小娟. 城市转型中的营销策略——广州亚运营销解读[J]. 现代市场营销, 2011, 1(1): 1-6. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/mom.2011.11001


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