Considerations of How to Integrate Red Songs into the Teenagers’ Ideological and Political Education Effectively
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2013.32008, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,698  浏览: 9,461 
作者: 李佳玲, 李运祥:武汉理工大学政治与行政学院,武汉
关键词: 红色歌曲青少年思想政治教育精神爱国主义 Red Songs; Teenagers; The Ideological and Political Education; Spirit; Patriotism


Abstract: As the songs of the revolutionary spirit, Red songs were spread and produced during reform and development period and Chinese revolution’s history stages and the socialist period. It not only has its unique music art characteristics, but its promotion is helpful to promote socialist mainstream consciousness and advanced culture, and to cultivate a correct outlook on life and values. This article discusses the concept of Red songs, significance and the ideological and political education function of teenagers and how to integrate Red songs into the ideological and political education of teenagers effectively.

文章引用:李佳玲, 李运祥. 红色歌曲如何有效融入青少年思想政治教育中的思考[J]. 教育进展, 2013, 3(2): 35-40. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AE.2013.32008


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