Structure Optimization and Performance Improvement of Aluminum Cylinder Head Castings
DOI: 10.12677/MS.2013.32012, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 3,571  浏览: 8,835  国家科技经费支持
作者: 张炳荣*, 孙忠领:山东泰来铸铝科技有限公司;田身军:奇瑞汽车股份有限公司
关键词: 铝合金缸盖高压油道火花塞孔预铸二次枝晶间距Aluminum Cylinder Head; High-Pressure Oil Road; Spark Plug Hole; Pre-Casting; SDAS
摘要: 轻量化、薄壁化、精准化、强韧化是发动机及汽车行业永远努力的方向。本文综合评述了近几年来作者在铝合金缸盖毛坯结构、型芯材料及制芯工艺等方面的优化改进,重点涉及到缸盖毛坯的火花塞孔预铸、高压油道预铸工艺等毛坯结构减重,并对结构减重前后的相关尺寸、清洁度、预铸表面的粗糙度及关键部位的二次枝晶间距(SDAS)和机械性能进行了比较分析。
>Light-weighting, thinning, precision and strengthening are always the objectives to which we have been doing our best for automotive and engine fields. This work has reviewed some researches made by the authors in recent years on modification and optimization of the structure of aluminum cylinder head, as well as core-making materials and processes. In particular, the weight-reduction by the pre-casting of the spark plug holes and high pressure oil road holes in aluminum cylinder head castings were studied. The comparison and analysis were made on relative dimensions, clearance, surface roughness as well as the second dendrite arm spacing (SDAS) and mechanical properties with and without pre-casting.
文章引用:张炳荣, 孙忠领, 田身军. 铝合金发动机缸盖铸件结构优化及性能改进[J]. 材料科学, 2013, 3(2): 61-66. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MS.2013.32012


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