Remote Preparation of Two Qubit State in Noisy Environments
DOI: 10.12677/MP.2012.23009, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,777  浏览: 11,615  国家科技经费支持
作者: 张延亮, 康国栋, 王晓波, 周清平*:吉首大学软件与服务外包学院
关键词: 量子噪声Lindblad主方程量子态远程制备保真度Quantum Noise; Lindblad Master Equation; Remote State Preparation; Fidelity


Abstract: A scheme is proposed for the remote preparation of a two qubit quantum state by using two nonmaximally entangled states as the quantum channel. The effects of the environment noise on the quantum channels are considered, in which the time-evolution is ruled by the master equations of the density matrices in the Lindblad form. We investigated the influence of environment noise on the fidelity of the remote state preparation based on three types of quantum channels. It is found that the output state of remote state preparation, as time goes on, has a higher fidelity in the case of the quantum channel consists of |01> and |10> basis than that of |00> and |11> basis. Furthermore, the results also demonstrate that the fidelity is proportional to the product of both situations above when the channel consists of the mixture basis, and its value is between of them.
文章引用:张延亮, 康国栋, 王晓波, 周清平. 噪声环境下二比特量子态远程制备[J]. 现代物理, 2012, 2(3): 49-54. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MP.2012.23009


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