Genre Analysis of Research Article Abstracts in Applied Linguistics
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作者: 朱雪梅, 任再新*:东华大学外语学院,上海
关键词: 应用语言学CARS模型体裁结构语言特征Applied Linguistics CARS Model Genre Structure Linguistic Features
摘要: 本文基于Swales的CARS模型,选取了2011~2020年间发表于Applied Linguistics期刊上的30篇论文摘要,自建语料库,从体裁结构和语言特征两个层面对其进行了体裁分析,旨在探讨应用语言学学术论文摘要的体裁特征。研究发现如下:1) 大多数摘要包含2至4个语步,其中M3S1和M3S5为必选语步;2) 多数摘要遵循CARS模型的常规语步次序,少数以逆序、重复和循环的方式呈现;3) 多数摘要采用一般现在时、主动语态,使用第一人称代词以强调作者身份,使用情态动词以增强行文的严谨性。本研究对应用语言学领域学术论文摘要的有效撰写具有一定的参考意义。
Abstract: Based on Swales’ CARS model, the paper selects 30 abstracts published in Applied Linguistics between 2011 and 2020, and analyzes them in terms of genre structure and linguistic features, aiming to explore the generic features of the abstracts of research articles in Applied Linguistics. The research findings are as follows: 1) Most of the abstracts contain two to four moves, of which M3S1 and M3S5 are obligatory. 2) Most abstracts follow the conventional order of moves of CARS model, while a few are presented in the order of reversion, repetition and circulation. 3) Most abstracts adopt simple present tense and active voice, use first-person pronouns to emphasize the authorship, and use modal verbs to enhance the rigour of the writing. The study can provide some reference for the effective writing of research article abstracts in Applied Linguistics.
文章引用:朱雪梅, 任再新. 应用语言学学术论文摘要的体裁分析[J]. 现代语言学, 2024, 12(4): 831-839. https://doi.org/10.12677/ml.2024.124319

1. 引言

体裁,指在一定的话语共同体中,其成员带有特定社会目的的一系列交际事件 [1] 。它是实现交际目的的一种工具或媒介 [2] ,其交际目的决定了体裁特有的语篇内容与结构。摘要,涵盖整篇论文的写作要点,是传递科研信息、交流学术成果的重要途径,具有特殊的体裁特征。近年来,越来越多的国内外学者对不同学科领域内研究论文的摘要进行了体裁研究,如医学 [3] [4] 、生物学 [5] 、农业科技领域 [6] 等。

目前,国内已有学者将目光转向语言学领域,尤其关注不同学科、不同期刊摘要体裁特征的对比,如语言学和药理学的跨学科对比 [7] 、中外语言学期刊语步结构对比 [8] [9] 等。基于CARS模型,周原选取了Applied Linguistics和《外语教学与研究》的100篇英文摘要,对比其宏观体裁结构和微观语言特征 [10] 。结果表明,两本期刊的摘要在语步次序、动词时态和语态的选择上相似,但在第一人称代词的使用、摘要宏观和微观语步结构的完整性等方面存在明显差异。

本文聚焦应用语言学领域,采用该领域内权威期刊Applied Linguistics 2011~2020年间的30篇论文摘要为研究语料,从宏观体裁结构和微观语言特征两个角度出发,探讨并揭示该期刊论文摘要的体裁特征。

2. 理论框架

Figure 1. CARS model

图1. CARS模型

CARS Model (Create-A-Research-Space Model)由体裁理论ESP学派的领军人物Swales提出 [11] ,最初该模型被用于研究论文引言部分的分析,经过不断发展完善,该模型已被广泛应用于学术论文各个写作部分的体裁分析。据Swales的体裁理论,语步(move)是能够实现交际目的的语言单位,包含不同的语阶(step)。同样作为一种功能单位,语阶帮助实现语步特定的交际目的。基于CARS模型,共有三大语步:创建研究范围(Establishing a territory),指出前人研究不足(Establishing a niche),填补研究空白(Occupying the niche)。语步之下有不同的语阶,具体框架见图1。基于该理论框架,本文考察了Applied Linguistics期刊30篇摘要的语步结构及语言特征,以进一步挖掘其体裁特征。

3. 研究方法

Applied Linguistics发表与现实问题相关的语言学研究,通常涉及与教育、工作、医疗、法律、媒体领域之间的联系,是应用语言学领域最具影响力的国际期刊之一,具有一定的代表性。本研究从该期刊2011年至2020年期间发表的学术研究论文中随机选择了30个摘要样本,采用定性与定量相结合的方法,分析摘要的体裁结构和语言特征。体裁结构包括语步的数量、次序和体裁结构潜势;基于CARS模型,在仔细阅读并分析了30篇摘要后,各个摘要样本的语步、语阶被一一识别并标注,其使用的数量、次序得以统计与整理,进而考察其体裁结构。语言特征包括动词时态、语态的选择,第一人称代词和情态动词的使用;各项特征的使用频率与呈现方式也被一一作以归纳和讨论。

本研究借助了Microsoft Excel工作表来记录、整理和计算有关数据。为了方便统计,30篇摘要被依次列为A1~A30,M代表语步(Move),S代表语阶(Step),M1S1则表示“Move 1,Step 1”,其余依此类推。

4. 结果与讨论


4.1. 体裁结构

4.1.1. 语步数量


Figure 2. Moves and steps in 30 abstracts

图2. 30篇摘要的语步(语阶)


Table 1. Number of moves and steps

表1. 语步(语阶)的数量


4.1.2. 语步次序

基于CARS模型,如果语步在摘要中出现的次序遵循“Move 1-Move 2-Move 3”,且各语步内部也遵循“Step 1-Step 2-Step 3- ∙∙∙ -Step7”的次序,那么该样本的语步次序将被认为是常规语步次序,否则为非常规语步次序。表2为30篇摘要中常规与非常规语步次序的数量及所占百分比。

Table 2. Move sequence in 30 abstracts

表2. 30篇摘要的语步次序

表2,有19篇摘要符合常规语步次序,占比63.3%,远远超过非常规语步次序。这表明,Applied Linguistics论文摘要写作大多遵循CARS模型常规语步次序。在对非常规的语步次序进一步研究之后,发现主要存在三种次序:逆序、重复和循环,其数量和所占比例如表3所示。

Table 3. Frequency of unconventional move model

表3. 非常规语步的使用频率


(1) Epistemics in interaction refers to how participants display, manage, and orient to their own and others’ states of knowledge. (M3S3) // This article applies recent conversation analytical work on epistemics to classrooms where language and content instruction are combined. (M3S1)

在上述摘要中,作者先阐明了相关定义Epistemics in interaction (M3S3),然后再描述本研究所做的主要工作(M3S1),这属于非常规次序中的逆序。

(2) This paper reveals how negotiators, from the police and emergency call centres, overcome resistance towards the negotiation from suicidal persons in crisis. Communication guidance to hostage and crisis negotiators recommends against challenging the person in crisis, focusing instead on a softer, rapportful approach. (M3S5) // Using conversation analysis, we investigate how negotiators deal with resistance, turn by turn, in encounters collected from British police negotiators’ field recordings, and American police 9-1-1 dispatch telephone calls. In contrast to existing communication guidance, we show that and how challenges can be productive for bringing about positive shifts in suicidal persons’ behavior. We demonstrate how negotiators challenge the reasoning in their interlocutors’ resistant responses and leverage these challenges productively in the next turn. (M3S1) // By studying real (rather than hypothetical or simulated) negotiations, the study reveals the tacit expertise of negotiators and the communicative practices that optimize negotiation outcomes. (M3S5)


(3) This article combines research results centred on theory of mind (ToM) from cognitive and developmental psychology with the notion of intersubjectivity in usage-based linguistics. (M3S1) // It identifies some of the controversies in the literature from both domains and suggests the desiderata for a hybrid approach to intersubjectivity, which is distinctively designed to tackle applied research in social and cognitive sciences. This model is based on a mismatch between interaction as mere “co-action” vs. interaction as spontaneously communicated awareness of an(other) mind(s). (M3S5) // It provides a case study centred on the first language acquisition of prenominal usage of this/that and such. (M3S1) // From, respectively, a distinctive collexeme and behavioural profile analysis will emerge that beyond expressions of joint attention, children’s ToM ability progressively underpins “ad-hoc” generalized instantiations based on extended intersubjectivity, viz. the socio-cognitive skill to problematize what a general persona would act, feel, or think in a specific context. (M3S5)


4.1.3. 语步频率


表4可以得出Applied Linguistics论文摘要的体裁结构潜势:

M3S1 > M3S5 > M3S6 > M3S4 > M1/M2S1B > M2S1A > M2S2 > M3S3 > M3S2

除M3S7之外,其他语步在30篇摘要中均有出现。M3S1和M3S5的使用频率高达96.7%、80.0%,远远超过其他语步,因此将之归为必选语步(obligatory)。剩下的语步为可选语步(optional),其中M3S2和M3S3的使用频率较低。必选语步实现整个体裁的基本功能,是摘要体裁中不可或缺的,可选语步则反之 [12] 。由此,摘要作者通常会描述所做研究的内容,并宣布研究结果。研究结果是一项研究是否成功有效的关键,因而在摘要中占有非常重要的位置,这也体现出摘要的推销(promotion)功能 [13] 。此外,作者较少阐释相关术语,更甚少抛出研究问题并作以假设,可见这些信息与摘要的交际功能关系不大。

Table 4. Frequency of moves and steps

表4. 语步(语阶)的使用频率

4.2. 语言特征


4.2.1. 动词的时态、语态


Table 5. Distributions of four verb tenses in moves and steps

表5. 四种时态在语步(语阶)中的分布


(4) This article shows, with Malaysia as a case study, that an ethnonationalist language policy need not have disempowering consequences for minorities. (M3S1)

(5) Overall, findings suggest that the distinction between recognition and recall knowledge is fundamental to the conceptualization of the development of vocabulary knowledge. (M3S5)

(6) The data were mined from annual conference programs and official websites, and analyzed using computer software. (M3S4)

(7) Speech samples were rated for adequacy and coded for a range of CAF indices. (M3S4)

(8) The World Englishes, English as a Lingua Franca, and Critical Applied Linguistics frameworks have gone some way to counter the myth… (M1)

(9) Since Block’s article, “Class and SLA: Making connections”, social class has received increased attention in applied linguistics research. (M1)



Table 6. Distribution of two verb voices in moves and steps

表6. 两种语态在语步(语阶)中的分布


(10) We finally argue that cultivating greater racial diversity within AAAL is imperative for highlighting issues of race and inequality in applied linguistics. (M3S5)

(11) These research findings have significant implications for existing communication guidance showing how negotiations are managed locally through the linguistic design of turns of talk. (M3S6)

(12) In the study, biliteracy was operationalized as reading proficiency and vocabulary knowledge in two languages, which was tested with measures of word decoding, reading comprehension, and vocabulary breadth and depth. (M3S4)

(13) A frequency measure was included to compare the relative strength of the norms to a traditional lexical measure when explaining proficiency and growth. (M3S4)


4.2.2. 第一人称代词

为了增强研究的可信性,绝大多数的研究论文,包含摘要都是以第三人称来写的。但在Applied Linguistics摘要中,第一人称代词也有出现。下表7是单数第一人称代词“I”与复数第一人称代词“we”在各语步中的分布情况。

Table 7. Distribution of two first-person pronouns in moves and steps

表7. 两个第一人称代词在语步(语阶)中的分布


(14) I first describe how the novice developed her sequential organization practices in the role-played consultations… (M3S1)

(15) I identify ways in which theories, theory-practice links, and practices themselves can be investigated historically in a more rigorous and ultimately useful manner. (M3S5)

(16) We investigate how negotiators deal with resistance, turn by turn, in encounters collected from British police negotiators’ field recordings, and American police 9-1-1 dispatch telephone calls. (M3S1)

(17) We found significant variation in the understanding of advertisements containing metaphor, metonymy, and combinations of the two, between subjects and across nationalities… (M3S5)

第一人称代词可以表明作者的身份,证实作者的存在 [13] 。单数代词强调作者个人在研究中的重要作用,而复数代词除了强调群体作用之外,还可以帮助与读者建立联系,拉近与读者的距离。

4.2.3. 情态动词


Table 8. Distribution of modal verbs in moves and steps

表8. 情态动词在语步(语阶)中的分布


(18) Our findings suggest that even short-term homestays can be particularly rich environments for language learning as hosts and students explore divergent views on the aesthetic, moral, and health-related dimensions of eating. (M3S5)

(19) It appears that policy may be so ethnonationalist that it has caused disassociation, especially amongst Indian-Malaysians, and sustained multilingualism. (M3S5)

5. 结论

基于Swales的CARS模型,本文从体裁结构和语言特征两层面分析了Applied Linguistics期刊论文摘要的体裁特征。在体裁结构层面,绝大多数摘要包含两到四个语步(语阶),其中M3S1与M3S5为必选语步,且语步的使用大都遵循CARS模型常规次序,少数采用逆序、重复和循环三类非常规次序。在语言特征层面,多数摘要以一般现在时和主动语态写成,被动语态更多被用来阐述研究方法,而一般过去时和现在完成时在特定语步中也发挥其独特作用。第一人称代词,尤其是复数人称代词,以及情态动词在摘要中也有所运用,帮助作者明确本研究中的个体、群体作用,增进与读者的联系,实现与潜在读者的良好交流。

本研究可以帮助Applied Linguistics期刊的读者更快速有效地阅读、理解其摘要部分,同时也为研究人员掌握该期刊摘要的体裁模式和语言特征提供了参考资料,有助于他们撰写出更符合期刊偏好的摘要。




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