Construction of Holomorphic EquivalenceRelations on Riemannian Spheres and TheirApplications
DOI: 10.12677/PM.2023.136177, PDF, HTML, 下载: 262  浏览: 349  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 吕玉兰:广西民族大学,数学与物理学院,广西 南宁;江门培英高级中学,广东 江门;甘丽宁, 黄志明, 卢卫君:广西民族大学,数学与物理学院,广西 南宁;杨秋花:广西民族大学,数学与物理学院,广西 南宁;广西民族师范学院,数理与电子信息工程学院,广西 崇左
关键词: 黎曼面全纯映射全纯等价Hopf 映射全纯极小化映射Riemann Surfaces Holomorphic Mapping Holomorphic Equivalence Hopf Mapping Holomorphic Minimization Mapping
摘要: 本文研究复一维连通复解析流形上的一些特殊黎曼面,包括复一维射影空间 ℂP1、 扩充复平面C和复球面S2。 在全纯映射和双全纯映射意义下,这三个典型的黎曼面是全纯等价。 进而在Hopf 映射下, 推出S3与ℂP1全纯等价。 基于Frankel 猜想, 讨论了复一维射影空间ℂP1到紧K¨ahler 流形上关于能量最小化的全纯映射问题。
Abstract: In this paper, we study some special Riemann surfaces on complex one-dimensional connected complex analytic manifolds, including complex one-dimensional projection space ℂP1, extended complex plane C and complex sphere S2. In the sense of holomorphic mapping and biholomorphic mapping, these three typical Riemann surfaces are holomorphic equivalent. Furthermore, under Hopf mapping, the holomorphic equivalence between S3and ℂP1 is derived. Based on Frankle's conjecture, the problem of holomorphic mapping of energy minimization on complex one-dimensional projective spaces ℂP1 to compact Kahler manifolds is discussed.
文章引用:吕玉兰, 甘丽宁, 黄志明, 杨秋花, 卢卫君. 黎曼球面上全纯等价关系的构造及其应用[J]. 理论数学, 2023, 13(6): 1728-1743. https://doi.org/10.12677/PM.2023.136177


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