The Principle and Effect of Montessori Education Method Applied in Dementia Nursing
DOI: 10.12677/AR.2023.101006, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 249  浏览: 424 
作者: 毛 冲, 宋思涵:重庆青年职业技术学院,学前教育学院,重庆;毛 沛:世昌幼儿园,山西 临汾
关键词: 蒙台梭利痴呆症效力Montessori Dementia Effect
摘要: 近年来,银发时代正随着人口老龄化的趋势不断逼近,如何更有效,更科学地关注、护理老年人成为各界关注的焦点。痴呆症作为全世界范围内普遍存在的综合病,对于家庭、社区、护理机构都是一项巨大的挑战。有些团队针对这一现状,将教育界百年来广泛应用并具有显著效果的蒙台梭利教育法运用到痴呆症患者的日常护理和照料中,通过有效的护理干预延缓了痴呆症病情的发展,提高了老年痴呆症的护理水平。然而,不同国情,不同地区,想要运用推广这一方式仍需要进一步深入研究,尤其是探究清楚针对婴幼儿教育的蒙台梭利法在针对老年人的痴呆症护理中发挥作用的原理,以及具体的效力。文章将深入从痴呆症和蒙台梭利教育法原理出发,探索其可行性以及效力,为是否可以将该方法引入实践,并开展探索提供理论依据。
Abstract: In recent years, the silver age is approaching with the trend of population aging. How to pay more effective and scientific attention to and care for the elderly has become the focus of attention. Dementia, as a universal comprehensive disease worldwide, is a huge challenge for families, communities and nursing institutions. In view of this situation, some teams have applied the Montessori education method, which has been widely used in the education field for hundreds of years and has significant effects, to the daily care of patients with dementia. Through effective nursing intervention, the development of dementia has been delayed and the nursing level of senile dementia has been improved. However, in different countries and regions, it is still necessary to carry out further research to promote this method, especially to explore the principle and specific effectiveness of Montessori method for infant education in dementia care for the elderly. The article will start from the principles of dementia and Montessori education method, explore its feasibility and effectiveness, and provide theoretical basis for whether the method can be introduced into practice and exploration.
文章引用:毛冲, 宋思涵, 毛沛. 蒙台梭利教育法应用于痴呆症护理的原理及效力[J]. 老龄化研究, 2023, 10(1): 47-53. https://doi.org/10.12677/AR.2023.101006

1. 引言

老年痴呆是一种综合病,以高级认知功能障碍为特征,以老年斑、神经纤维缠结和神经元丢失为主要的病理改变,可分为阿尔兹海默病(Alzheimer’s Disease, AD)、血管性痴呆和二者并存的混合型痴呆。据不完全统计到2025年,世界范围内老年性痴呆的患病人口将达到220万 [1]。随着我国进入老龄化社会,在60岁以上老人中,痴呆患病率是0.75%~4.69%,且痴呆漏诊率非常高 [2]。

目前,人们对于痴呆症的病因、发病机制尚不十分清楚,也没有特别有效的治疗方法和药物。近年来,药物治疗的缺陷不断被发现,非药物干预越来越受到重视,因此凭借有效的护理干预来缓解病情的发展显得尤为重要。朱爱琴总结了国内针对老年痴呆家庭护理的研究进展:对痴呆症的护理干预可有效延缓痴呆的发展,但仍存在很多问题,患者的健康教育、日常行为的系统干预、居家安全、家庭照顾人员的培训还处于非系统状态,社会社区家庭护理支持模式还有待完善,因此需要借鉴国外先进的护理经验,推进老年痴呆护理水平 [3]。

2. 蒙台梭利教育法对痴呆症护理的原理探究

Cameron J. Camp以及他的团队经过三十多年的努力将蒙台梭利教育法与痴呆症治疗和护理结合,提出了应用于痴呆症治疗和护理的蒙台梭利程序(Montessori Programming for Dementia, MPD) [4]。蒙台梭利教育法由意大利教育学家玛利亚·蒙台梭利(Maria Montessori)所创,该教育法一百年来被普遍应用于教育行业,教给儿童认知、社交和功能技巧,并取得了很大的成就。那么蒙台梭利的教育为什么能够与痴呆症的治疗和护理相结合呢?他们的结合对于痴呆症的治疗和护理真的有效吗?

研究发现在痴呆症后期,认知能力可能会以他们童年期发展的顺序反向丢失。如果是这样,对于创建痴呆症的干预措施和程序,童年认知能力的发展顺序就是一个有效的指南和基础;此外我们学习和记忆的模型通常使用模块的概念或者信息处理的半独立系统,这些模型的基础是发生在无意识状况下的某些形式的学习和记忆,而这种类型的学习正发生在儿童认知发展早期和痴呆症人群中 [5]。例如:蒙台梭利的每一堂课首先呈现一个最简单的水平,在之后的课程中,逐步增加复杂性,并为准备独立生活的个体把来源于每天生活环境中的材料设计成工具。将有早期到中期痴呆症的患者视作有认知和执行功能缺陷的正常人,蒙台梭利活动结构可以适应有认知缺陷者。所以,蒙台梭利教育法很适合痴呆症患者。

蒙台梭利教育法中活动的关键因素是:1) 将复杂的任务分解为一系列从简单到复杂的步骤;2) 提供广泛的线索和指导以促进成功结果的产生;3) 给予准确和恰当的反馈以减少失败的挫败感;4) 使用提供认知和感官刺激的材料 [6]。Nidhi Mahendra等人认为蒙台梭利活动涉及每天的练习任务并采用“边干边学”机制,从而依赖于内隐记忆,而不是显性或陈述性记忆,而痴呆症患者的内隐、非陈述性记忆则相对保存,这使痴呆症者学习蒙台梭利课程成为优势 [7] ;Vance和Porter认为,在基于蒙台梭利教育法干预的结构化学习经历中,新奇和丰富的感官刺激的使用可能会导致依赖经验的神经可塑性 [8] ;蒙台梭利教育法的活动设计有内置开关来促进任务完成中错误的识别,通过一对一交往提供了社会化、有意义的活动,并且很适应痴呆症患者的兴趣和技巧 [9]。痴呆症患者需要一个结构化的环境和可预测的程序与活动,当直接环境发生变化时他们经常感到不安,而基于蒙台梭利教育法的活动满足了他们对日常活动的可预测性、熟悉性和结构化的需要。且为痴呆症患者设计的蒙台梭利活动包含了康复的原则,还借助各种活动来减少痴呆症患者的无聊和沮丧,也就是他们行为问题的根源 [10]。因此,基于蒙台梭利教育法的活动对于痴呆症的干预是有效的。

3. 蒙台梭利教育法对痴呆症护理的效力

3.1. 蒙台梭利教育法对痴呆症患者情感,参与,激越行为等的效力

通常是激越、攻击、去抑制和其他挑战性行为并发的。Zuidema等人在对19个疗养院的元分析中发现,异常运动行为的患病率达到4%~82%,口头攻击行为达到10%~39%,身体攻击行为达到11%~44% [11]。其中激越行为是痴呆症患者最常见的行为问题:激越行为是指不能用患者的某种需求或意识混乱来解释的某些不恰当的语言声音和运动性行为。对激越行为的非药物干预主要集中于以下几个方面:感觉疗法、社会接触、行为疗法、人员培训、结构性活动、环境干预、医疗或护理干预及综合疗法等 [12]。痴呆症患者中常见的还有漠不关心,抑郁等状态,这些症状不仅反映了患者的痛苦,还给护理人员创造了一个充满压力的工作环境 [13]。

针对痴呆症患者的心理和行为症状,研究者们纷纷采用一对一或者小组活动等形式,对以蒙台梭利教育法为基础的活动和传统活动进行了对比,发现蒙台梭利活动在对痴呆症患者参与,积极情绪,行为等方面有积极和显著的效力,Judge和Camp发现蒙台梭利活动中的痴呆症者表现出更多的建设性参与(Constructive Engagement, CE),更少的被动性参与(Passive Engagement, PE) [14]。Jarrott等人进一步证明,相比较传统活动,蒙台梭利活动中的痴呆症者会表现更高的积极参与(Positive Engagement, PE)和更低的被动参与、自我参与(Self Engagement, SE)和不参与(Non-Engagement, NE),建设性参与的平均时间也普遍高于传统活动 [15]。Silvia等人实验证实,参与蒙台梭利活动的痴呆症者除了会表现出更高水平的建设性参与,更低水平的消极参与,还有更积极的情绪 [16]。Eva和Camp的研究证实,蒙台梭利活动减少了痴呆症者的激越行为,增加了积极情绪和参与,帮助家庭护理人员执行这些活动有可能使访问更加满意,并提高他们的生活质量 [17]。

3.2. 蒙台梭利教育法对痴呆症患者进食能力等的效力

进食是老年人会失去的最后一个日常活动,也是第一个可以通过训练恢复的日常活动。由于认知障碍,痴呆症者在进食中易发生误食、误服、呛咳等困难,严重时还会造成食物阻塞呼吸道而导致窒息 [18]。研究者发现,进食困难是痴呆症者食物摄入量低的一个显著预测。在长期护理机构中,痴呆症者有进食困难的达到61.4%~66.7%,这导致患者食物摄入量低,体重下降,营养不良 [6]。而营养状况和体重降低指数是长期护理机构患者死亡率的敏感指标,因此,改善痴呆症者的进食能力以促进他们的营养状况和体重是必要、迫切的 [19]。

Lin等人的研究证实了蒙台梭利干预对痴呆症者饮食能力的效力。在蒙台梭利基础的干预中,患者自动进食的时间和频率都比常规活动中要高。这不仅可以帮助进食,还会提高护理人员的士气,诱发更积极的护理态度 [20]。训练痴呆症患者的方法还有空间提取(Spaced Retrieval, SR),即通过在不断变长的时间段中回忆信息来增强信息的学习和保持。于是他们构建了一个空间提取的训练记录,证实了空间提取和蒙台梭利基础活动在减少痴呆症者进食困难上的有效性,同时还减少了看护者帮助喂养的需要,并改善了患者的营养状况,这样的早期干预可能给痴呆症者一个保持独立的机会 [21]。Wu和Lin在台湾退伍军人之家中选择了90名痴呆患者参与实验,他们认为只有空间提取或只有蒙台梭利活动不足以改善痴呆症者的进食量和体重,所以他们将标准化的空间提取训练和个性化的蒙台梭利活动相结合,经过重复的回忆和训练,使痴呆症者在自动和无意识水平上建立一个统一的标准程序来执行进食过程成为可能。因此,护理机构中受过训练的护士可以在日常活动中安排这样的干预来改善痴呆症者的饮食困难和后续问题。此外,由于训练材料来源于日常生活,所以这个干预既便宜,又方便实施 [22]。

3.3. 蒙台梭利教育法对痴呆症患者认知和其他方面的效力

痴呆是在正常意识下的人出现全面认知障碍的一种临床综合征。它起病隐匿,进展缓慢,是以智能障碍为主的慢性进行性疾病,认知障碍是全面的,包括记忆力、计算力、思维判断力等 [23]。以蒙台梭利教育法为基础的活动寻求痴呆症者的兴趣,爱好和能力,设置开放的个性化的目标和活动,采用明确和简单的指令,鼓励和积极的反馈、提示,有数据表明这些活动的参与减少了痴呆症者的无聊,焦虑和躁动,改善了睡眠 [24]。

对痴呆症各个阶段保留的能力进行深入了解可以使临床医生看到一个病人的恢复潜力,并利用这些优势来设计干预措施。标准化的评估对于确诊痴呆症和量化认知障碍的严重度非常有用。以往的研究都表明痴呆症者可以通过有效的训练来完成不同的社会角色,并产生积极的参与和情感。因此提供痴呆症者维持和增强认知与交际能力的机会,会促进他们的自我意识。Camp还整理呈现了35种改善痴呆症个体记忆问题的基于蒙台梭利的方法。每个活动都有明确的目的,材料的列表,建立和领导活动的方向,还讨论了可能遇到的问题,并提供了至少一种解决方案 [25]。总体上,蒙台梭利基础的痴呆症护理是一个不受医疗或物理限制的方法,目的就是让痴呆症者参与进来并给他们一个目标 [26]。痴呆症的人群使用蒙台梭利方法可以满足他们的基本心理需求,让他们感到幸福并提高生活质量 [27]。

4. 蒙台梭利教育法对痴呆症护理的新启示

4.1. 混龄教学与代际程序

蒙台梭利教育法的基本原则之一就是混龄教学,不同年龄孩子互相模仿、学习,会养成儿童乐于助人的社会行为。随着设计年长者(60岁以上的)和学前儿童(3~5岁)的代际程序日益增多,并被视为对两代人都非常有效。Camp等人创立了一个痴呆症者和幼儿的代际程序。他们在烛台公园中心开始了一个试点程序,目标是使有痴呆症的年长者能有效的与孩子进行一对一的蒙台梭利为基础的代际程序活动。患者教孩子怎么样执行日常生活和自我护理的活动,例如:叠衣服,挂衣服,清洁镜子和眼睛,如何用纸巾擦鼻涕,运动技能,认知练习,感官体验,语言和数学技能等等。这样的活动包括个人和群体活动,老年参与者一致表示他们很珍惜这次和孩子合作的机会,表现的非常小心和耐心。他们还对自己的工作能力感到骄傲。由此可以看出,创建有效的代际程序是有可能的,同时,对两代人都有意义的活动会增加成功的几率 [28]。之后他们又对这一研究进行了扩展,使用以蒙台梭利为基础的活动对有痴呆症的年长者与学龄前儿童进行一对一的代际程序学习,结果证明这一学习有良好的影响。痴呆症患者表现出更积极的参与和情感,还有更少的脱离。

4.2. 构建社会角色

提供有意义的活动给痴呆症者是各种机构护理人员的一个重要挑战,除了代际程序之外,Camp等人还采用了另外一种方式:训练轻度到中度的痴呆症患者,让他们引导重度痴呆患者的阅读活动。研究表明在先决条件满足的情况下,痴呆症者可以引导小组活动,并表现出更积极的参与和情感 [29]。这几个先决条件是:材料必须要明确而且容易学习;环境必须是控制的和舒适的;实施活动的程序必须尽可能的详细;训练必须发生在真实的环境中,让痴呆症者领导活动而不是研究者解释或演示如何领导活动 [30]。除了增加患者的参与和积极情感之外,最重要的是,这提供了痴呆症者一个完成有意义的社会角色的机会 [31]。

4.3. 志愿者与家属的力量

此外,还有研究者通过由疗养院志愿者实施个性化,一对一的活动来研究是否志愿者能够并且愿意完成一个和痴呆症者合作完成任务的训练程序。结果表明,志愿者都愿意学习新的方式来与患者合作以改变行为。当活动抓住患者的兴趣时,志愿者就可以观察到高度关注,他们感到自己的努力得到奖励,并且希望坚持他们的努力。拥有更多痴呆症知识,并有积极态度的志愿者更有可能完成这个项目。这个试点研究表明吸引和留住一定比例的志愿者来改善患者的生活质量是可能的,员工不太可能满足患者的所有需求,志愿者会有助于填补这个空白 [32]。同样,这种方法还可以被应用到患者家属身上。

5. 缺陷及展望

当然,这些研究还是有一定的局限性。首先,Li-Chan Lin等人提出在选择实验的疗养院时,本应该随机抽取,但是有些机构不允许研究人员进入,而且在很多研究中,抽取的痴呆症患者男女比例并不符合城市老年人的性别比率,这些都可能造成抽样偏差 [33]。并且,在对患者某些行为的测量上没有客观数据的支持,例如,由于没有办法安装计步器,所以无法客观记录患者踱步等行为 [34]。在传统活动中,员工的人数没有蒙台梭利基础的活动中多,员工数量的增加也可能增加痴呆症者的参与和积极情感,进而对结果造成影响。最后,一个重要和显著的缺陷是样本的大小,小样本的研究会限制结果的概括性,只有将结果在大样本中复制,才会增加研究的稳健和推广 [35]。

尽管有缺陷,但是以蒙台梭利为基础的活动对于痴呆症的治疗潜力不容忽视,面对老龄化程度逐步加深的社会现状,我们未来的研究要看到这个方法的优势,并充分利用,进行实验验证,为痴呆症患者,护理人员以及家属们带来更有效的方法 [36]。


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[5] Camp, C.J., Foss, J.W., Stevens, A.B., et al. (1993) Memory Training in Normal and Demented Populations: The e-i-e-i-o Model. Experimental Aging Research, 19, 277-290.
[6] Reed, P.S., Zimmerman, S., Sloane, P.D., Williams, C.S., et al. (2005) Characteristics Associated with Low Food and Fluid Intake in Long-Term Care Residents with Dementia. The Gerontologist, 45, 74-80.
[7] Mahendra, N., Scullion, A. and Hamerschlag, C. (2011) Cognitive-Linguistic Interventions for Persons with Dementia. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 7, 278-288.
[8] Vance, D.E. and Porter Jr., R. (2000) Montessori Methods Yield Cognitive Gains in Alzheimer’s Daycares. Activities, Adaptation & Aging, 24, 1-22.
[9] van der Ploeg, E.S. and O’Connor, D.W. (2010) Evaluation of Personalised, One-to-One Interaction Using Montessori-Type Activities as a Treatment of Challenging Behaviours in People with Dementia: The Study Protocol of a Crossover Trial. BMC Geriatrics, 10, Article No. 3.
[10] Lee, M.M., Camp, C.J. and Malone, M.L. (2007) Effects of Intergenerational Montessori-Based Activities Programming on Engagement of Nursing Home Residents with Dementia. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 2, 477-483.
[11] Zuidema, S., Koopmans, R. and Verhey ,F. (2007) P Prevalence and Predictors of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Cognitively Impaired Nursing Home Patients. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 20, 41-49.
[12] 张睿, 李峥. 老年痴呆患者激越行为的非药物性护理干预研究进展[J]. 中华护理杂志, 2006, 41(6): 553-556.
[13] van der Ploeg, E.S., Eppingstall, B., Camp, C.J., et al. (2013) A Randomized Crossover Trial to Study the Effect of Personalized, One-to-One Interaction Using Montessori-Based Activities on Agitation, Affect, and Engagement in Nursing Home Residents with Dementia. International Psychogeriatrics, 25, 565-575.
[14] Judge, K.S., Camp, C.J. and Orsulic-Jeras, S. (2000) Use of Montessori-Based Activities for Clients with Dementia in Adult Day Care: Effects on Engagement. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias, 15, 42-46.
[15] Jarrott, S.E., Gozali, T. amd Gigliotti, C.M. (2008) Montessori Programming for Persons with Dementia in the Group Setting: An Analysis of Engagement and Affect. Dementia, 7, 109-125.
[16] Orsulic-Jeras, S., Judge, K.S. and Camp, C.J. (2000) Montessori-Based Activities for Long-Term Care Residents with Advanced Dementia: Effects on Engagement and Affect. The Gerontologist, 40, 107-111.
[17] van der Ploeg, E.S., Camp, C.J., Eppingstall, B., Runci, S.J. and O’Connor, D.W. (2012) The Study Protocol of a Cluster-Randomised Controlled Trial of Family-Mediated Personalised Activities for Nursing Home Residents with Dementia. BMC Geriatrics, 12, Article No. 2.
[18] 黄艾, 徐少英, 陈秋荣, 姚燕花. 影响老年痴呆病人住院安全的因素及对策[J]. 全科护理, 2009, 7(8): 695-686.
[19] Wu, H.-S. and Lin, L.-C. (2013) The Moderating Effect of Nutritional Status on Depressive Symptoms in Veteran Elders with Dementia: A Spaced Retrieval Combined with Montessori-Based Activities. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69, 2229-2241.
[20] Lin, L.-C., Huang, Y.-J., Watson, R., Wu, S.-C. and Lee, Y.-C. (2011) Using a Montessori Method to Increase Eating Ability for Institutionalised Residents with Dementia: A Crossover Design. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20, 3092-3101.
[21] Lin, L.-C., Huang, Y.-J., Su, S.-G., et al. (2010) Using Spaced Retrieval and Montessori-Based Activities in Improving Eating Ability for Residents with Dementia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 25, 953-959.
[22] Wu, H.S., Lin, L.C., Wu, S.C., Lin, K.N. and Liu, H.C. (2014) The Effectiveness of Spaced Retrieval Combined with Montessori-Based Activities in Improving the Eating Ability of Residents with Dementia. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70, 1891-1901.
[23] 沈来风. 老年痴呆症的研究进展[J]. 现代医药卫生, 2010, 26(4): 542-544.
[24] Mitty, E. and Flores, S. (2007) Assisted Living Nursing Practice: The Language of Dementia: Theories and Interventions. Geriatric Nursing, 28, 283-288.
[25] Camp, C.J. (2000) Montessori-Based Activities for Persons with Dementia: Volume 1. Health Professions Press, Baltimore, 205-207.
[26] Cline, J. (2006) Montessori-Based Dementia Care. The Kansas Nurse, 81, 14.
[27] Giroux, D., Robichaud, L. and Paradis, M. (2010) Using the Montessori Approach for a Clientele with Cognitive Impairments: A Quasi-Experimental Study Design. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 71, 23-41.
[28] Camp, C.J., Judge, K.S., Bye, C.A., et al. (1997) An Intergenerational Program for Persons with Dementia Using Montessori Methods. The Gerontologist, 37, 688-692.
[29] Skrajner, M.J., Haberman, J.L., Camp, C.J., et al. (2014) Effects of Using Nursing Home Residents to Serve as Group Activity Leaders: Lessons Learned From the Rap Project. Dementia, 13, 274-285.
[30] Skrajner, M.J. and Camp, C.J. (2007) Resident-Assisted Montessori Programming (RAMP™): Use of a Small Group Reading Activity Run by Persons with Dementia in Adult Day Health Care and Long-Term Care Settings. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias, 22, 27-36.
[31] Skrajner, M.J., Haberman, J.L., Camp, C.J., et al. (2012) Training Nursing Home Residents to Serve as Group Activity Leaders: Lessons Learned and Preliminary Results from the Rap Project. Dementia, 11, 263-274.
[32] Van der Ploeg, E.S., Walker, H. and O’Connor, D.W. (2014) The Feasibility of Volunteers Facilitating Personalized Activities for Nursing Home Residents with Dementia and Agitation. Geriatric Nursing, 35, 142-146.
[33] Lin, L.-C., Yang, M.-H., Kao, C.-C., et al. (2009) Using Acupressure and Montessori-Based Activities to Decrease Agitation for Residents with Dementia: A Cross-over Trial. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 57, 1022-1029.
[34] 鹿笑寒, 宋洁, 刘霖, 等. 蒙台梭利法在老年痴呆病人护理中的应用研究进展[J]. 护理研究, 2022, 36(1): 72-76.
[35] 张露露, 王娅平, 王凤玲, 唐倩云, 杨静静, 黄敬, 王曙红. 蒙台梭利法: 一种新型老年痴呆症非药物疗法[J]. 中国临床保健杂志, 2021, 24(6): 850-854.
[36] 罗姣, 刘艳丽, 周丽君, 魏齐斐, 张奇, 刘小菲, 王鑫源. 代际方案在老年痴呆患者中的应用研究进展[J]. 护理学报, 2022, 29(22): 37-40.
[37] 范翠. 老年痴呆病人家庭预防及护理的重要性[J]. 哈尔滨医药, 2008, 28(2): 79-80.
[38] 周景升, 张新卿. 痴呆早期诊断中的电话访查工具[J]. 中华老年医学杂志, 2003, 22(2): 123-125.
[39] 朱爱琴. 老年痴呆患者家庭护理的研究进展[J]. 中华现代护理杂志, 2012, 18(11): 1361-1364.
[40] Camp, C.J. (2010) Origins of Montessori Programming for Dementia. Non-Pharmacological Therapies in Dementia, 1, 163-174.
[41] Camp, C.J., Foss, J.W., Stevens, A.B., et al. (1993) Memory Training in Normal and Demented Populations: The e-i-e-i-o Model. Experimental Aging Research, 19, 277-290.
[42] Reed, P.S., Zimmerman, S., Sloane, P.D., Williams, C.S., et al. (2005) Characteristics Associated with Low Food and Fluid Intake in Long-Term Care Residents with Dementia. The Gerontologist, 45, 74-80.
[43] Mahendra, N., Scullion, A. and Hamerschlag, C. (2011) Cognitive-Linguistic Interventions for Persons with Dementia. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 7, 278-288.
[44] Vance, D.E. and Porter Jr., R. (2000) Montessori Methods Yield Cognitive Gains in Alzheimer’s Daycares. Activities, Adaptation & Aging, 24, 1-22.
[45] van der Ploeg, E.S. and O’Connor, D.W. (2010) Evaluation of Personalised, One-to-One Interaction Using Montessori-Type Activities as a Treatment of Challenging Behaviours in People with Dementia: The Study Protocol of a Crossover Trial. BMC Geriatrics, 10, Article No. 3.
[46] Lee, M.M., Camp, C.J. and Malone, M.L. (2007) Effects of Intergenerational Montessori-Based Activities Programming on Engagement of Nursing Home Residents with Dementia. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 2, 477-483.
[47] Zuidema, S., Koopmans, R. and Verhey ,F. (2007) P Prevalence and Predictors of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Cognitively Impaired Nursing Home Patients. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 20, 41-49.
[48] 张睿, 李峥. 老年痴呆患者激越行为的非药物性护理干预研究进展[J]. 中华护理杂志, 2006, 41(6): 553-556.
[49] van der Ploeg, E.S., Eppingstall, B., Camp, C.J., et al. (2013) A Randomized Crossover Trial to Study the Effect of Personalized, One-to-One Interaction Using Montessori-Based Activities on Agitation, Affect, and Engagement in Nursing Home Residents with Dementia. International Psychogeriatrics, 25, 565-575.
[50] Judge, K.S., Camp, C.J. and Orsulic-Jeras, S. (2000) Use of Montessori-Based Activities for Clients with Dementia in Adult Day Care: Effects on Engagement. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias, 15, 42-46.
[51] Jarrott, S.E., Gozali, T. amd Gigliotti, C.M. (2008) Montessori Programming for Persons with Dementia in the Group Setting: An Analysis of Engagement and Affect. Dementia, 7, 109-125.
[52] Orsulic-Jeras, S., Judge, K.S. and Camp, C.J. (2000) Montessori-Based Activities for Long-Term Care Residents with Advanced Dementia: Effects on Engagement and Affect. The Gerontologist, 40, 107-111.
[53] van der Ploeg, E.S., Camp, C.J., Eppingstall, B., Runci, S.J. and O’Connor, D.W. (2012) The Study Protocol of a Cluster-Randomised Controlled Trial of Family-Mediated Personalised Activities for Nursing Home Residents with Dementia. BMC Geriatrics, 12, Article No. 2.
[54] 黄艾, 徐少英, 陈秋荣, 姚燕花. 影响老年痴呆病人住院安全的因素及对策[J]. 全科护理, 2009, 7(8): 695-686.
[55] Wu, H.-S. and Lin, L.-C. (2013) The Moderating Effect of Nutritional Status on Depressive Symptoms in Veteran Elders with Dementia: A Spaced Retrieval Combined with Montessori-Based Activities. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69, 2229-2241.
[56] Lin, L.-C., Huang, Y.-J., Watson, R., Wu, S.-C. and Lee, Y.-C. (2011) Using a Montessori Method to Increase Eating Ability for Institutionalised Residents with Dementia: A Crossover Design. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20, 3092-3101.
[57] Lin, L.-C., Huang, Y.-J., Su, S.-G., et al. (2010) Using Spaced Retrieval and Montessori-Based Activities in Improving Eating Ability for Residents with Dementia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 25, 953-959.
[58] Wu, H.S., Lin, L.C., Wu, S.C., Lin, K.N. and Liu, H.C. (2014) The Effectiveness of Spaced Retrieval Combined with Montessori-Based Activities in Improving the Eating Ability of Residents with Dementia. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70, 1891-1901.
[59] 沈来风. 老年痴呆症的研究进展[J]. 现代医药卫生, 2010, 26(4): 542-544.
[60] Mitty, E. and Flores, S. (2007) Assisted Living Nursing Practice: The Language of Dementia: Theories and Interventions. Geriatric Nursing, 28, 283-288.
[61] Camp, C.J. (2000) Montessori-Based Activities for Persons with Dementia: Volume 1. Health Professions Press, Baltimore, 205-207.
[62] Cline, J. (2006) Montessori-Based Dementia Care. The Kansas Nurse, 81, 14.
[63] Giroux, D., Robichaud, L. and Paradis, M. (2010) Using the Montessori Approach for a Clientele with Cognitive Impairments: A Quasi-Experimental Study Design. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 71, 23-41.
[64] Camp, C.J., Judge, K.S., Bye, C.A., et al. (1997) An Intergenerational Program for Persons with Dementia Using Montessori Methods. The Gerontologist, 37, 688-692.
[65] Skrajner, M.J., Haberman, J.L., Camp, C.J., et al. (2014) Effects of Using Nursing Home Residents to Serve as Group Activity Leaders: Lessons Learned From the Rap Project. Dementia, 13, 274-285.
[66] Skrajner, M.J. and Camp, C.J. (2007) Resident-Assisted Montessori Programming (RAMP™): Use of a Small Group Reading Activity Run by Persons with Dementia in Adult Day Health Care and Long-Term Care Settings. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias, 22, 27-36.
[67] Skrajner, M.J., Haberman, J.L., Camp, C.J., et al. (2012) Training Nursing Home Residents to Serve as Group Activity Leaders: Lessons Learned and Preliminary Results from the Rap Project. Dementia, 11, 263-274.
[68] Van der Ploeg, E.S., Walker, H. and O’Connor, D.W. (2014) The Feasibility of Volunteers Facilitating Personalized Activities for Nursing Home Residents with Dementia and Agitation. Geriatric Nursing, 35, 142-146.
[69] Lin, L.-C., Yang, M.-H., Kao, C.-C., et al. (2009) Using Acupressure and Montessori-Based Activities to Decrease Agitation for Residents with Dementia: A Cross-over Trial. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 57, 1022-1029.
[70] 鹿笑寒, 宋洁, 刘霖, 等. 蒙台梭利法在老年痴呆病人护理中的应用研究进展[J]. 护理研究, 2022, 36(1): 72-76.
[71] 张露露, 王娅平, 王凤玲, 唐倩云, 杨静静, 黄敬, 王曙红. 蒙台梭利法: 一种新型老年痴呆症非药物疗法[J]. 中国临床保健杂志, 2021, 24(6): 850-854.
[72] 罗姣, 刘艳丽, 周丽君, 魏齐斐, 张奇, 刘小菲, 王鑫源. 代际方案在老年痴呆患者中的应用研究进展[J]. 护理学报, 2022, 29(22): 37-40.