Teaching Design of Topic Vocabulary through Contextualized Activation in IELTS Speaking Class
DOI: 10.12677/OETPR.2022.43013, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 357  浏览: 811 
作者: 王 宪:新东方教育科技集团国际教育培训事业部,天津
关键词: 情景激活词汇教学雅思口语Contextualized Activation Vocabulary Teaching IELTS Speaking
摘要: 在英语学习中,词汇与语言能力之间有着必然联系。在雅思考试中,词汇也是衡量学生表现的重要评分标准之一。情景激活(contextualized activation)作为对词汇的长期记忆和运用有极大促进作用的教学方法,却很少在词汇习得中被教师使用。本文将以传统课堂教学为基础,以故事、电影、歌曲、短文本和广播五种形式为辅助,结合雅思口语话题,探究情景激活式词汇教学方法;详细分析如何设计课堂讲解和训练,为学生学习词汇和循环利用词汇提供环境和语境。
Abstract: In English learning, there is an inevitable relationship between vocabulary and language ability. In the IELTS test, vocabulary is also one of the important scoring criteria to measure students’ performance. Contextualized activation, as a teaching method that can greatly promote the long-term memory and application of vocabulary, though, is rarely used by teachers in vocabulary acquisition. Based on the traditional classroom teaching and assisted by five innovative strategies, namely storytelling, movies, songs, short texts and broadcasts, this paper explores the teaching approach of contextualized activation. Also combined with IELTS speaking topics, this paper illustrates various types of classroom training design, with the hope of providing an environment where students can learn, recycle and ultimately master target vocabularies.
文章引用:王宪. 雅思口语课堂中关于话题词汇情景激活的教学设计[J]. 国外英语考试教学与研究, 2022, 4(3): 112-118. https://doi.org/10.12677/OETPR.2022.43013

1. 引言

不少研究表明词汇量和语言能力之间存在必然联系,学习者掌握的词汇量越多,他们的交际能力就越好,尤其是高频词汇,这些词汇在处理复杂文本中有着不可替代的重要性 [1]。然而对中国大学水平学习者的词汇学习的一项调查表明,情景激活(contextualized activation)在词汇习得中很少被使用,而情景激活对长期记忆和词汇运用有着不可忽视的促进作用 [2]。

在以交流为主要考察目的的雅思口语考试中,词汇同样是衡量学生表现的重要评分标准之一。口语话题考察范围广泛,涉及了生活的各个层面,学生需要具备联系生活实际,并应用多种多样话题词汇的能力。然而词汇是复杂和多维的,需要多维度的方法来进行词汇教学 [3]。在传统课堂中,教师基于教科书进行授课,但教材提供的词汇数量和练习维度都是相对有限的。


2. 话题词汇情景激活教学设计方法

2.1. 故事

在教室环境中,图片、游戏和故事对于激发学生学习兴趣至关重要,其中图片和游戏在课堂中的应用较多,相比之下,故事讲述在课堂中的应用并不多见 [4]。在故事中学习新词汇,趣味性强,且词汇可以被自然地融入到学习过程中,学生可以在语境中感受和体验词汇的使用,学生更愿意学,生词也相对更容易被记住和再次使用。教师在进行故事讲述的过程中,可以使用抽认卡、歌曲、视频、木偶和面具等,进一步增加故事趣味性。但需要注意的是:故事不宜过长,角色不宜过多,词汇难度也应该符合学习者水平 [5]。

2.2. 电影

将电影运用到英语教学中,学生不仅可以学到更多词汇,还可以学习如何正确发音。学生可以在语境中学习母语者是如何恰当地使用这些表达,还可以在情节中了解英语国家文化,如婚礼、餐桌礼仪、节日和庆祝活动等,从而提高学生跨文化交际中的理解能力。教师在选取电影片段时,应结合课程目标考虑题材、内容、词汇难度和长度,比如学生能够集中注意力的时间段为8~14分钟,电影片段不宜过长 [6]。

2.3. 歌曲

歌曲作为课堂中有效的学习工具,在激发学生学习兴趣上比传统听力材料效果更好。当学生反复听对话或独白时,需要结合语境尝试听懂新单词或短语的意思,很容易感到疲倦,但如果是伴随着歌曲中的旋律,疲倦感则会减少。此外,歌曲可以有效帮助学生提升听力和改善口语发音,因为学生在歌曲中能够听到不同形式的语调和节奏,从而建立重音感 [7]。音乐是语言课堂上的有效工具,因为它有一种力量:将自己铭刻进我们大脑的力量,对我们的长期和短期记忆都有作用 [8]。

同时,歌曲也可以促进学生掌握词汇和句型结构,很多歌曲的创作是基于某个主题或话题,在相对较短的时间里,核心词汇在歌曲中反复出现并以伴有节拍,加上句型以简单句为主,记忆起来更容易。歌曲除了可以帮助学习者在语境中学习语言,可有助于了解目标语言的文化。当语言和音乐交织在歌曲中,以一种非常独特的方式传达文化现实,而学生在日常词汇背诵和语法知识讲解过程中,很难习得文化,而歌曲可以弥补学生在这方面的缺失 [9]。

2.4. 短文本


教师在准备短文本时可以有创意地选取多种多样的文本,除课本外,还可以考虑学生习作、教师习作、杂志文章或轶事等。同时,教师可以创建一个文本集,涵盖不同难度的文本任务,即使是同一篇文本,也可以通过设置不同挑战程度的任务而差异化学习层次 [10]。

2.5. 广播

听力理解是对已被感知到的听觉刺激的有意识加工 [11],能够帮助学生感知和理解新词在具体场景和语境中是如何使用的。同时学生在听力过程中,将训练对整个交流过程十分重要的接收并解读信息的能力,避免错误的信息解读带来的沟通误会 [12]。

3. 案例分析与教学应用

3.1. 传统课堂

以雅思口语part 2话题:describe a café you like to visit为例,在传统课堂中,很多教师会按照以下步骤进行讲练 [13]:

1) Introduce the topic (Look at the pictures) and pre-teach critical lexis (if necessary)

2) Set task: You were at the café yesterday. Think about your story and tell the other student in your pair exactly what happened?

3) Plan the speaking: make notes

4) Rehearse the speaking: practice in pairs. Teacher listens in and suggests corrections and improvements

5) Do the task: make new pairs

6) Feedback/review: the pairs reflect on whether the task was done well. Teacher draws attention to specific language

7) Add/correct/revise

8) Redo the task


3.2. 故事


抽认卡内容可包含:beverage, ice-blended Frappuccino, latte, refreshments, sandwiches and wraps, scrumptious, service, have a chit-chat with, enjoy the ambiance, tranquil and serene atmosphere, free wifi, selfies等。

用小故事来教授词汇 [13]:

1) 讲故事,在故事中出现单词时/后,提问理解性问题和概念性问题(comprehension questions and concept questions)

2) 讲故事,在讲故事时假装忘记单词,引出学生说出单词

3) 把整个故事和词汇讲一遍,然后复述,在复述中假装“忘记”词汇,引导学生说出词汇。

3.3. 电影

由奥黛丽·赫本主演的好莱坞黑白电影《罗马假日》(Roman Holiday)中,有男女主人公在街边咖啡馆闲谈的场景(如图1所示),可选取其中1~2分钟两人点单的部分进行展示,第一遍播放无字幕版本片段,帮助学生熟悉场景和人物关系,第二遍播放带字幕版本,并要求学生在观看中记录生词,结合语境猜测意思,最后再由教师进行讲解。

Figure 1. Screenshot from Roman Holiday

图1. 罗马假日影片截图

3.4. 歌曲


歌曲活动设计三步骤:活动前(preparation),核心活动(core activity)和活动后(follow up)。准备环节旨在帮助学生成功完成核心活动,包括预先教授或激活话题词汇 [7]。以Hard Rock café为例,教师在活动前,可以预先教授find good company, regulars, keep blues at bay等。在核心活动中,教师通过改变节奏和音量的方式,或合唱的方式,调动学生兴趣和积极性,尽可能多唱几遍;而在后续活动中,学生可以通过写作、填空或口语等输出任务,练习在核心活动中反复唱过的词汇和句型结构。

Downtown anywhere in USA You can find yourself a Hard Rock café Put your money on a number, anyone can play Come on and tell us all about what happened to you today

At the Hard Rock café Come to the Hard Rock café I hope you can find your way To the Hard Rock café

After a hard day’s work, I guarantee There just isn’t anywhere better to be If you’re unable to find good company You can always sit down and watch the colour TV

At the Hard Rock café Come to the Hard Rock café The regulars can’t keep away From the Hard Rock café

And if you’re feeling just a little bit lonely Don’t sit at home just mopin’ Come on down to where the spirits flow so freely You know the door is always open

At the Hard Rock café Come to the Hard Rock café They will help keep your blues at bay At the Hard Rock café

Hard Rock café Hard Rock café Hard Rock café Hard Rock café Hard Rock café Hard Rock café Hard Rock café Hard Rock café Hard Rock café

3.5. 短文本


在阅读短文本之后,问题设计应围绕解开文本的字面意义和深层意义而服务。问题设计可包括以下几类:理解类问题(如What name did her father call her?),推理分析类问题(如Identify the topics/subjects/themes covered in this short story?),评估类问题(如Why, do you think, the writer has given the man the name MrKafiri?) [10]


Coffee houses were originally a meeting place for lively debate and intellectual discussion. The first coffee house was set up in Oxford in 1650. But they quickly became popular and soon they were all over London too. You paid a penny to get in, and this included access to newspapers and stimulating conversation! If something is stimulating, it encourages ideas and enthusiasm. I expect the coffee helped with that a bit.


When and where was the first coffee house set up?

What did customers have access to after paying in the 1650s?

What do you think of spending some time in the café?

3.6. 广播

以BBC六分钟英语[How do you like your coffee?]为例,在学生听广播前,教师同样可以预先教授新单词,听中结合语境感知并解码新单词,最后通过角色扮演活动,进一步巩固广播材料。


I buy several cups a week and I expect you do too, Catherine?

Catherine: I do indeed. But I have to say, while I was getting our coffees earlier, there was nobody else in the café talking except me and my friend. Everybody was sitting on their own, tapping away on their laptops. Let’s listen now to Douglas Fraser, BBC Scotland’s Business and Economy Editor, describing the vibe or atmosphere in a typical 21st century café…

Douglas Fraser, BBC Scotland’s Business and Economy Editor Ten or so in the morning, the café has five people at tables with their backs to the wall, each staring into a screen, plugged in, ears plugged. The flow of bytes through this coffee shop’s free wifi is transporting these customers to diverse destinations far from the person beside them. Collaborative working, a research grant application, a potential blockbuster novel, and inevitably, someone distracted by kitten pictures on social media.

Rob: I think the café owners should turn off the free wifi and force these café squatters to move on! I don’t think people should be allowed to sit all day using the internet hogging tables and not talking to anybody! Especially when some of them don’t even buy a coffee!

Catherine: That’s a bit extreme, Rob. Café owners need customers and they encourage people to stay by having comfy sofas and newspapers to read and the free wifi! A squatter, by the way, is someone who lives in an empty building without paying rent. And if you hog something you use most or all of it in a selfish way.

4. 结论



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