Nursing Experience for a Postpartum Woman with Placental Abruption——Nursing Experience for a Postpartum Woman
DOI: 10.12677/NS.2012.13003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,199  浏览: 11,743 
作者: 陈淑梅:阮综合医院护理部;叶惠萍:景美医院长照部;董道兴:振兴医院教学研究部
关键词: 胎盘早期剥离产妇母性角色 Placental Abruption; Postpartum Woman; Matemal Role
摘要: 本文叙述一位曾有子痫前症病史的经产妇,在此次怀孕的第三阶段(31周又5),无预警的面临胎盘早期剥离的困境,产妇不仅需要承受身体上的伤害,而且还要面对胎儿早产生命受到威胁的事实。自200841623日,通过身体评估、观察、会谈、照顾等方式收集数据,并应用Gorden十一项功能性健康型态做护理评估,归纳出护理问题如下:1) 体液容积缺失、2) 焦虑、3) 潜在危险性父母/婴儿依附关系改变。在主护与患者家属协助照护下,患儿半年内未发生抽搐现象,评估患儿体健,并停药。患者本人焦虑感也明显降低并且改善亲子依附关系。
Abstract: This article described a nursing experience for a postpartum woman with pre-eclampsia disease history unexpected faced to placental abruption during the third trimester of pregnancy (31 weeks and five days). In addition to bear physical injury, the mother needed to face the fact of life-threatening premature fetal. The duration of nursing care by the researcher was between April 16, 2008 and April 23, 2008. The methods of data collection included: 1) physical assessment, 2) observation, 3) potential risk of parents/infant attachment change. Finally, under the family and nurse’s caring, the baby did not occur convulsion within six months. After assessment, the decision was to stop medication and then follow-up examinations. The case’s anxiety also decreased and improved the relationship of parent-infant attachment.
文章引用:陈淑梅, 叶惠萍, 董道兴. 照护一位胎盘早期剥离产妇之经验——产妇之护理经验[J]. 护理学, 2012, 1(3): 13-19. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/NS.2012.13003


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