Linguistic Features and Translation Strategies of Imported Drug Registration Application Documents Charts
摘要: 进口药品注册材料的快速审批有助于境外新药加速进入国内市场。药品注册材料图表的翻译质量关系到药品的上市时间和人民的生命健康与安全。本文通过大量例证总结了进口药品注册材料英语的图表语言特点:拥有大量数字符号、缩略词、熟词僻义和名词性短语结构,并探讨其翻译策略。
Abstract: The rapid approval of imported drug registration application (IDRA) documents will help accele-rate foreign new drug’s entry to the domestic market. Quality translations of charts of IDRA doc-uments are concerned with drug’s time to market and the people’s lives, health and safety. This paper explores the necessary strategies for E-C translation of charts of IDRA documents through analyzing their linguistic features: abundance in numbers & symbols, abbreviations, common English words with specialized meanings and noun phrases.
文章引用:杨美, 郭佩英. 进口药品注册材料图表语言特点与翻译[J]. 现代语言学, 2021, 9(1): 34-40. https://doi.org/10.12677/ML.2021.91006


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