The Research of Object Imagery-Spatial Imagery-Verbal Cognitive Style and Measurement’s Develpoment
DOI: 10.12677/ap.2011.13019, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,661  浏览: 14,508  国家科技经费支持
作者: 李力红, 王海匣
关键词: 认知风格表征元风格
Cognitive Style; Representation; Meta-Style
摘要: 本文综述了个体表征信息偏好性方式这一风格类型在理论上和代表性的测验工具的发展演变。通过前人对两类典型的测验工具信效度方面的研究,指出了目前客体表象-空间表象-言语表征风格测验存在的问题以及未来的发展方向,为编制新的信效度更好的测验工具奠定了一定的理论基础。
Abstract: This article summarizes the preference representation on style type of individual, describles the evolution of its theories, and also shows the representative test tools. Trough the Previous research of two kind of representative test tools on their validity and reliablity,we point out the existence questions and the future development direction of object imagery-spatial imagery-verbal cognitive style test, and establish the theore- tical basis of new better test tools.
文章引用:李力红, 王海匣 (2011). 客体表象-空间表象-言语认知风格及其测验的研究进展. 心理学进展, 1(3), 127-133. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ap.2011.13019


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