On the “Follow-The-Majority” Phenomenon in China Universities from the Perspective of Organizational Sociology
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2012.12009, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,254  浏览: 8,965 
作者: 钟建伟*:江西师范大学体育学院;刘玉华:江西师范大学外国语学院
关键词: 组织行为大学制度环境“跟风”Organizational Behavior; University; Institutional Environment; “Follow-The-Majority”
摘要: 我国大学的“跟风”现象已成为制约我国大学创新发展的主要障碍之一。本文欲从组织社会学的视角,对我国大学出现的“跟风”的现象及其背后机制进行考察。研究结果认为我国大学具有制度化组织的特征,大学通过“跟风”行为在我国教育制度环境下获得“社会合法性”,从而维持其生存与发展。而要从根本上根除这种跟风行为必须从改变我国大学的制度化组织特征和优化大学所处制度环境入手,通过引入市场治理等手段提高我国大学的管理绩效。
Abstract: The so-called “follow-the-majority” phenomenon has become one of the major obstacles for the innovative development in China’s universities. The present study aims at the research of the phenomenon and its hidden working system from the perspective of organizational sociology. The study shows that there are features of institutional organizations in China universities; various universities gain their social legitimacy through “follow-the-majority” under the current education system, therefore maintain its survival and development. It is found that changes need be started from the institutional organizational features and envi- ronment, along with the introduction of market management in order to eradicate the “follow-the-majority” trend and improve the management performance in universities.
文章引用:钟建伟, 刘玉华. 组织社会学视角下我国大学的“跟风”现象研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2012, 1(2): 59-62. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2012.12009


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