The Resilience and Social Adaptability of Rural Left behind Children: A Correlation Study
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2018.81007, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,973  浏览: 7,335 
作者: 潘晓峰:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 留守儿童心理弹性社会适应性Left-Behind Children Resilience Social Adaptability
摘要: 目的:本文主要探讨留守儿童心理弹性与社会适应性的相关关系,以促进留守儿童的适应能力。方法:本研究采用问卷调查法收集了广西来宾市迁江镇4所农村中小学330名留守儿童心理弹性和社会适应性的数据,其中有效316份,采用SPSS18.0对数据进行分析。结果:1) 留守儿童心理弹性和社会适应性在性别上无显著差异,但男生在人际协助和积极认知等维度上显著低于女生;2) 在年级上,六年级心理弹性显著低于初一初二,社会适应性无显著差异;3) 在父母外出年限上,两者均无显著性差异,但在情绪控制、目标专注、积极认知、人际关系、生活信心等维度上有显著差异;4) 在与谁一起生活上,两者均无显著差异,但与母亲一起生活的儿童,心理弹性和社会适应性均较好;5) 在与父母联系频率和父母回家频率上,两者也均无显著差差异,但总体上与父母经常联系和父母回家频率高的儿童,他们的心理弹性和社会适应性更好;6) 心理弹性及各维度和社会适应性及各维度之间都存在显著水平的正相关。结论:留守儿童心理弹性与社会适应性之间具有内在一致性,提高留守儿童的心理弹性来增强其社会适应性。
Abstract: Purposes: This article mainly investigates the correlation between rural left-behind children’s resilience and social adaptability, to promote the adaptability of left behind children. Methods: This study uses questionnaires to collect the data of left-behind children’s resilience and social adaptability from four rural primary and secondary schools, Laibin, Guangxi. 316 questionnaires can be useful among 330. The data are analyzed by using SPSS 18.0. Results: 1) Left-behind children's resilience and social adaptability show no significant difference in gender, but girls in interpersonal assistance and positive cognitive are significantly higher than boys. 2) In grade, sixth grade resilience is significantly lower than the junior one and junior two; there was no significant difference in social adaptation. 3) In parents who are out of years, there was no significant difference, but there are significant differences in emotional control, target focus, positive perception, relationships, and confidence of life. 4) In life with whom, both were no significant differences, but for children who live together with their mothers, resilience and social adaptability are better than others. 5) On the frequency of contact with parents and frequency of parents coming home, the two are no significant difference, but overall for children in regular contact with their parents and high frequency of their parents coming home, their resilience and social adaptability are better than others. 6) There is the positive correlation between resilience within all dimensions and social adaptability. Conclusion: There is an inherent consistency between the mental resilience and social adaptability of the left behind children, and the mental resilience of the left behind children contributes to enhance their social adaptability.
文章引用:潘晓峰 (2018). 农村留守儿童心理弹性与社会适应性的相关研究. 心理学进展, 8(1), 49-63. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2018.81007


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