Comparing Embryo and Endosperm Membrane Permeability on Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
DOI: 10.12677/HJAS.2018.81016, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,694  浏览: 3,078  科研立项经费支持
作者: 刘春香*, 王正阳, 徐亚飞:潍坊学院,山东 潍坊
关键词: 小麦吸胀胚乳膜透性Wheat Imbibition Embryo Endosperm Membrane Permeability
摘要: 干种子浸泡过程中会出现大量内含物外泄,外泄的量与种子活力存在明显的相关关系。为了探究干种子在浸泡过程中胚与胚乳对渗出物质的贡献率,本试验以邯郸6172和潍麦8号为材料,通过老化和去胚处理,检测单位时间内完整种子与去胚种子浸泡液的电导率和吸光度,以及干种子细胞对PI染料的透过程度来间接反应种子胚与胚乳的膜透过性。通过试验得出,小麦正常种子和胚乳的膜透性都是在吸胀第1 h渗透最快,之后缓慢增加。胚和胚乳在吸胀过程中电解质和有机物的渗出具有相似的趋势,活力低的胚渗出量远大于活力高胚的渗出量。组织学荧光观察显示,正常种子胚细胞膜透过性相对较低,胚外围组织及胚乳的透性高。活力显著下降的胚细胞膜透性明显增强。
Abstract: The dry seed will exclude a large amount of leakage during imbibitions, a significant correlation was found between the amount of leakage and seed vigor. Handan 6172 and Weimai 8 were used as materials, through artificial accelerated aging (AA), and de-embryonated treatment, to explore the difference of embryo and endosperm leakage by detection electrolyte conductivity, absorption of steeping solution and Propidium iodide (PI) permeability on dry seed slices. The result shows that seed steeping solution leaks rapidly at the first hour, then the amount of exudation increases slowly, both complete seeds and de-embryonated seeds. Embryo and endosperm has a similar leaking tendency. The amount of low vigor embryos exudation is much higher than that of high vigor embryo. The histological fluorescence observation shows that the membrane permeability of normal seed embryo cells is relatively lower, while the periphery tissue of embryo and endosperm is higher. Low viability embryo cells increase permeability significantly.
文章引用:刘春香, 王正阳, 徐亚飞. 小麦胚与胚乳膜透性的比较研究[J]. 农业科学, 2018, 8(1): 83-91. https://doi.org/10.12677/HJAS.2018.81016


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