Research on Critical Factors of Consumer Satisfaction in Mobile Commerce
DOI: 10.12677/ECL.2017.64011, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,961  浏览: 5,294  国家科技经费支持
作者: 陈梅梅, 刘利梅, 薛阳阳:东华大学旭日工商管理学院,上海
关键词: 模糊KanoR型系统聚类顾客满意度手机购物Fuzzy Kano R-Type Hierarchical Clustering Customer Satisfaction Mobile Commerce
摘要: 智能手机的普及使得手机购物消费群扩充迅速,了解顾客满意度的关键影响因素对改善移动电子商务企业服务水平的意义重大。首先利用R型系统聚类优化出手机购物顾客满意度的影响因素;其次基于模糊Kano模型并结合熵值法进行属性分类;最后找出影响顾客满意度的关键因素。研究表明:魅力属性因素是提升顾客满意度的关键,如晒单信息、本地化服务、WIFI环境、利用碎片化时间等;期望属性因素是降低顾客不满的关键,如支付安全、账户安全、个人隐私等。
Abstract: With the prevalence of mobile commerce and the rapid expansion of consumer groups, it is significant to explore critical factors of consumer satisfaction in mobile commerce, which can improve the service quality. Firstly, R-type hierarchical clustering was used to optimize typical factors, which affected customer satisfaction of shopping by mobile phone. Then, attributive classification of factors was conducted based on the fuzzy Kano model combined with the entropy method. And finally found the critical factors for improving customer satisfaction and reducing customer dissatisfaction. The research shows that the shared information, local service, WIFI environment and the use of fragmented time are attractive attributes which can improve customer satisfaction rapidly. Payment security, account security and personal privacy belong to one dimensional attributes, they are key factors to reduce customer satisfaction.
文章引用:陈梅梅, 刘利梅, 薛阳阳. 手机购物顾客满意度的关键影响因素研究[J]. 电子商务评论, 2017, 6(4): 79-86.


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