Analysis on the Talents Cultivation Mode and Employment Effect of Service Outsourcing
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2017.76054, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,545  浏览: 1,866 
作者: 吴 蕴:湖州职业技术学院,浙江 湖州
关键词: 服务外包人才短缺应对策略创新人才培养Service Outsourcing Talent Shortage Coping Strategies Innovative Talents Cultivation
摘要: 当前中国服务贸易迎来了大发展的黄金机遇期。中国日益成为全球服务贸易发展的重要领导角色,服务贸易专业人才短缺成为服务外包业迅猛发展的突出瓶颈,既存在绝对数量上的人才缺口,更存在结构性高端服务外包人才短缺。如何创新服务外包人才培养模式,大批量培养适用人才,培育高端服务外包人才已经引发全社会的关注。
Abstract: China’s service trade has ushered in a golden opportunity for development. As China has become an important leading role in the development of global service trade, talents shortage has become a prominent bottleneck in the development of service outsourcing industry. There is not only a great shortage in the number of the talents, but also a shortage of high structural talents of service outsourcing. How to innovate the cultivate mode on service outsourcing talents, educate a large quantity of the talents, and train the high service outsourcing talents has already raised the concern of the whole society.
文章引用:吴蕴. 服务外包人才培养模式与就业效应浅析[J]. 教育进展, 2017, 7(6): 348-353. https://doi.org/10.12677/AE.2017.76054


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