A Review of Risk Factors of Mastitis during Lactation
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作者: 鲍以嘉, 陈红风:上海中医药大学附属龙华医院乳腺科,上海
关键词: 乳痈哺乳期乳腺炎Mastitis Acute Mastitis
摘要: 乳痈是一种急性感染性疾病,主要表现为乳房局部红、肿、热、痛,以及畏寒发热、头身疼痛等全身症状,相当于西医的急性乳腺炎,最常见于妇女产后哺乳期间,即“外吹乳痈”。古今中医学者认为外吹乳痈的病因病机主要与乳汁蓄积、肝胃郁热、邪毒外侵、气血耗伤有关,西医研究其发病多因乳汁排出不畅、乳管内细菌感染。经过历代医家的归纳总结,本病的病因已基本明确,但发病相关因素的统计尚不完全。已知的危险因素为乳头破损和乳房外伤,保护因素为经常清洗乳头,其余相关因素尚不能取得共识,甚至在不同的试验中存在不同统计结果,值得临床医生进行细致深入的验证和探索,以有效的预防和减少“外吹乳痈”的发生。
Abstract: Carbuncle of breast is an acute infectious disease and equivalent to “acute mastitis” in western medicine which main symptom includes breast redness, swelling, heat, pain, chills and fever, headache and bodily pains. It commonly occurs in women during postpartum lactation. Ancient and modern Chinese medicine scholars think mastitis during lactation is caused by galactostasis, heat in liver and stomach, pathogenic toxin invasion, deficiency of qi and blood. Meanwhile, western medicine research regard milk deposition and breast duct bacterial infections as the main causes of acute mastitis. Nowadays, the cause of the disease has been basically clear, but the research of related factors is not completely. The known risk factors are nipple breakage and breast trauma, the protection factor is clean the nipples many times, other factors associated with the disease have not reached a consensus that even have different results in different tests. This situation deserves detailed verification and exploration by clinical doctors, in order to effectively prevent and reduce the occurrence of mastitis during lactation.
文章引用:鲍以嘉, 陈红风. “外吹乳痈”发病因素的回顾[J]. 中医学, 2017, 6(5): 224-231. https://doi.org/10.12677/TCM.2017.65037


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