Hotel Cluster: Concept, Mechanism and Performance Evaluation—A Literature Review
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作者: 胡 梅, 吴晓隽:东华大学旭日工商管理学院,上海
关键词: 酒店集群机理述评Hotel Cluster Mechanism Review
摘要: 伴随中国酒店业在市场中的日益饱和,酒店集群分布成为热点,并引起学界关注。本文从酒店集群的概念、形成机理和集群绩效评估几个方面回顾并分析了国内外学者的研究进展和争论,一方面,认为酒店的集群化发展是一种有效的产业组织形式,它能显著地降低需求方的搜寻成本和促进竞争,特别是促进酒店的差异化创新;另一方面,酒店集群也会产生负的外部性,产品同质化导致酒店价格下降,产生恶性竞争等。集群的生态和结构是决定集群绩效的关键因素,因此根据区位条件、资源禀赋、交通布局、产业水平等情况,结合国家对旅游业的发展战略,形成合理有效的酒店集群分布是当前酒店业亟待解决的问题。在此基础上,文章探讨了现有研究的不足,并提出新的研究问题和方向。
Abstract: With the saturation of the hotel industry market in China, hotel cluster is becoming a heated topic, which aroused the intensive attention from the researchers. Based on the review of related literatures, this paper analyzes the development and disputes over topics such as definition about hotel cluster, forming mechanism and performance evaluation. The author finds that as an effective industrial organizing pattern, hotel cluster can decrease searching cost on the demand side and encourage competition, especially innovations in differentiation; hotel cluster also can produce negative externalities, resulting in a decline in hotel prices, product homogeneity with vicious competition, etc. The ecology and structure of the cluster is a key factor, according to the geographical conditions, resources endowment, transportation and the industry level, combining with the national strategy on the development of tourism industry, forming a reasonable and effective distribution of hotel cluster is significant. Based on previous analysis, this paper also explores the shortcomings of present research and proposes new issues and directions should be addressed in the future.
文章引用:胡梅, 吴晓隽. 酒店集群的概念、动力机制与绩效评估—一个文献述评[J]. 现代管理, 2017, 7(5): 261-271. https://doi.org/10.12677/MM.2017.75036


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