The Domination Number of Exchanged Folded Hypercube
DOI: 10.12677/SEA.2017.65012, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 1,526  浏览: 3,758  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 金 丹, 刘红美, 张艳娟:三峡大学理学院,湖北 宜昌
关键词: 交换超立方体交换折叠超立方体控制数Hamming距离Exchanged Hypercube Exchanged Folded Hypercube Domination Number Hamming Code
摘要: 交换折叠超立方体 作为超立方体的变体,是在交换超立方体的基础上增加补边形成的。它不仅保留了交换超立方体结构的大部分拓扑特征,而且直径几乎是交换超立方体的一半,有更低的成本因素和恒定的结点度。本文中,我们将进一步研究交换折叠超立方体的性质,并给出了交换折叠超立方体的控制数的一些上界:1)当,有;2)当,有 ;3)
Abstract:  ,其中 The exchanged folded hypercube   is an attractive variant of the hypercube and ob-tained by adding some complementary edges from an exchanged hypercube. It not only maintains most of desirable properties of the exchanged hypercube, but also has diameter about half of the exchanged hypercube, and has lower cost factors and constant node degree. In this paper, we will further focus on the properties of exchanged folded hypercube and provide some up bounds for the domination number of exchanged folded hypercube: 1) When  ,   ; 2) When  ,   ; 3) When  ,  , where  .
文章引用:金丹, 刘红美, 张艳娟. 交换折叠超立方体的控制数[J]. 软件工程与应用, 2017, 6(5): 111-119. https://doi.org/10.12677/SEA.2017.65012


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