Analysis and Suggestions on the Content and Quantity of Health Communication Articles for “Shanghai Morning Post”—The “Shanghai Morning Post” Health Communication Articles Published in the First Quarter of 2015 as an Example
DOI: 10.12677/JC.2017.53004, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,755  浏览: 4,078 
作者: 赵 祎, 强 荧:上海社会科学院新闻研究所,上海
关键词: 健康传播新闻晨报特点分析Health Communication Shanghai Morning Post Characteristics Analysis
摘要: 本文收集《新闻晨报》2015年第一季度发表的所有健康传播类文章共313篇,文章内容中包括疾病防治知识类科普文章169篇,健康指导类科普文章32篇,疾病与健康相关的广告类文章112篇。利用传播学相关理论对样本的内容、数量、传播特色等方面进行归类与分析。研究结果提示《新闻晨报》健康传播类专栏文章具有数量较大、议程设置紧密结合受众需要、契合各相关健康日主题、内容侧重于常见多发病等特点。但存在偏科倾向、版面栏目名称设置无规律以及广告偏多等问题。在此基础上提出栏目规划以及内容设置方面的建议。
Abstract: This paper collects a total of 313 health communication articles in the first quarter of 2015 in Shanghai Morning Post, including 169 disease knowledge articles, 32 healthy instruction articles and 112 articles of advertising articles. We use the theory of communication to the sample content, quantity, dissemination characteristics and other aspects of classification and analysis. The results show that the “Shanghai Morning Post” health communication column has a large number of articles, the agenda closely with the needs of the audience, fit the relevant health day theme, focusing on the characteristics of common diseases. But there are deficiencies that partial tendencies, layout column name set irregular and advertising too mach and so on. On this basis, we put forward the column planning and content settings recommendations.
文章引用:赵祎, 强荧. 《新闻晨报》健康传播类文章内容与数量分析与建议—以2015年第一季度发表文章为样本[J]. 新闻传播科学, 2017, 5(3): 23-30. https://doi.org/10.12677/JC.2017.53004


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