The Freedom of Simmel’s Cultural Sociology—Reading “Simmel and Modernity”
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作者: 陈玉生:华东政法大学,社会发展学院,上海
关键词: 西美尔文化现代性自由G?Simmel Cultural Modernity Freedom
摘要: 西美尔独特的视角和论述方式区别于其他的社会学家,笔者通过对本书中文化社会学思想中的货币哲学思想和审美主义思想进一步论述,感悟其丰富的现实意义。货币的功能性使其成为社会中的绝对手段和目的,让货币在现代社会中成了人们的“宗教信仰”,以世俗之神的姿态让人们对其趋之若鹜但回敬给世人的是空虚感的煎熬。货币在最大限度上给予了人们自由但却奴役了人们。在现代社会审美中,距离感和时尚则是分别从空间和时间两个角度充分解释了社会美学,自由在时尚中的体现是有其形式无其实质,结合具体的社会事实我们可以进一步体会西美尔文化社会学魅力,让人神往。
Abstract: G•Simmel unique perspective and the style of discussion are different from other social scientists. Cultural sociology thought of monetary philosophy and aesthetic ideology in the book is further discussed, reflecting its rich practical significance. The function of money makes it an absolute means and objective in society, making money become the “religion” of people in modern society and as the secular god, has made people think about it, but the return to the world is the suffering of emptiness. Money has given people freedom at the utmost, but it has enslaved people. In the modern aesthetics, the distance and fashion in the view of space and time fully explain the social aesthetics respectively. The reflection of freedom in the fashion has its form without its essence. Combined with the specific social facts, we can further understand the charm of G•Simmel cultural sociology letting a person long for.
文章引用:陈玉生. 西美尔文化社会学的自由之土—读《西美尔与现代性》有感[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(8): 985-990. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.68141


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