Brief Analysis of Logistics Cost of the Baosteel’s Iron Ore
DOI: 10.12677/MM.2017.73015, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,604  浏览: 4,228 
作者: 邸兰欣, 阎丽娟, 王纪元*:宝钢,上海
关键词: 宝钢原料码头铁矿石物流成本Raw Material Port in Baosteel Iron Ore Logistics Cost
摘要: 铁矿石外轮直进是原燃料配送物流中降低成本的重要手段。本文介绍了近10年来宝钢铁矿石外轮直进原料码头的实绩,分析了外轮直进率的限制环节,并提出了铁矿石物流运作中降低成本的建议。
Abstract: The iron ore can be shipped directly into Baosteel iron-smelting plant by foreign vessels, in which we can cut the cost of transport. It is a description about in the recent 10 years, terminal performance of Baoshan iron ore direct shipping. This paper analyzes the limitation of straight rate of the outer link: monthly amount of resources, vessel type, material field capacity, stock level, etc. and puts forward some suggestions for reducing the logistics cost.
文章引用:邸兰欣, 阎丽娟, 王纪元. 宝钢铁矿石进厂物流成本简析[J]. 现代管理, 2017, 7(3): 100-105. https://doi.org/10.12677/MM.2017.73015


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