The Integration of Information Technology and Elementary Education in Chinese Classroom and the Countermeasures—Take Primary School as an Example
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2017.74025, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,769  浏览: 4,273  科研立项经费支持
作者: 周小卉, 李先锋*:乐山师范学院,文学与新闻学院,四川 乐山
关键词: 信息技术基础教育课堂整合小学语文Information Technology Basic Education Classroom Integration Elementary Chinese
摘要: 信息技术与基础教育语文教学课堂整合,是教育信息化的一种形式。目前,在二者整合过程中,仍存在着大量滥用、误用、不用信息技术的现象。为促进二者更好地整合,本文结合小学语文实例浅析产生此现状的原因,并提出根据课程特点和内容选择整合方式,科学使用课件设计策略,建设教学资源库等措施,以提高语文课堂教学有效性。
Abstract: Information technology and basic education language teaching classroom integration, is a form of educational information. At present, in the city primary school Chinese classroom, there are still a lot of abuse, misuse, without the phenomenon of information technology. In order to promote better integration, both practical example, This paper analyzes the reasons for the present situation with the example of primary school language, and puts forward according to the characteristics of Chinese curriculum and content integration mode choice, scientific use of courseware design strategy, the construction of teaching resource, in order to improve Chinese classroom efficiency.
文章引用:周小卉, 李先锋. 信息技术与基础教育语文课堂整合问题及其对策—以小学为例[J]. 教育进展, 2017, 7(4): 155-161.


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