Research on Human Capital Investment Strategy of Equipment Manufacturing Industry in Liaoning Based on “Made in China 2025”
DOI: 10.12677/MM.2017.73012, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 1,502  浏览: 2,132  科研立项经费支持
作者: 史阁妮, 王 馨, 杨云旗*:大连海事大学,辽宁 大连
关键词: 中国制造2025辽宁装备制造业人力资本投资路径Made in China 2025 Equipment Manufacturing Industry in Liaoning Talents Investment Path of Human Capital
摘要: “中国制造2025”提出打造具有国际竞争力的制造业,并将“人才为本”纳入其行动纲领的指导思想中。辽宁是中国制造业的老基地,应当为中国制造业的新一轮发展做出贡献。本文从辽宁装备制造业人力资本的现状出发,分析辽宁装备制造业人才需求的具体目标,设计辽宁人力资本的投资“三模块”路径,并从人力资本环境、人力资本结构、开发管理机制三方面提出人力资本投资策略,从而壮大辽宁装备制造业人才队伍,满足辽宁装备制造业发展需求。
Abstract: Under the background of globalization, the “made in China 2025” is put forward to build interna-tionally competitive manufacturing industry, taking into account the “talent” programme of action of the guiding ideology. The old China manufacturing industry base in Liaoning shall make a contribution to the new development of China’s manufacturing industry. In this paper, starting from the present situation of Liaoning equipment manufacturing industry of human capital, the specific targets of talent demand in Liaoning equipment manufacturing industry is analyzed, Liaoning “three modules” path of human capital investment is designed, and based on the three aspects: the environment of human capital, structure of human capital, development and management mechanism, the human capital investment strategy is put forward, so as to strengthen the personnel in Liaoning equipment manufacturing industry, meet the development demand of Liaoning equipment manufacturing industry.
文章引用:史阁妮, 王馨, 杨云旗. “中国制造2025”背景下辽宁装备制造业人力资本投资研究[J]. 现代管理, 2017, 7(3): 77-85. https://doi.org/10.12677/MM.2017.73012


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