Discussion on Prevent Haze by Fenlong Green Agriculture Joint Industrial Pollution Control
DOI: 10.12677/IJE.2017.62009, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,640  浏览: 4,097  科研立项经费支持
作者: 韦本辉*:广西农业科学院经济作物研究所,广西 南宁
关键词: 粉垄防控雾霾Fenlong Cultivation Prevention and Control Haze
摘要: 本文根据中国科学院院士周卫健“氮肥释放的氨对雾霾的贡献率可达20%以上”的实验结果,近10年来中国单位面积化肥施用量比国际标准用量超量1.5倍、化肥利用率只有30%、化肥至少有20%~30%氮氧化物、氨气被释放到空气中;分析中国北方地区近些年来雾霾灾害性天气频发与现行农业的浅耕、堆施化肥、过量抽用地下水,在冬春季覆盖物缺乏或苗期稀疏条件下,造成“尘泥”上扬和氮氧化物、氨气挥发的“上吐下泻”效应参与“雾霾”形成有关;依据 “粉垄绿色农业”具有可良性成倍地活化利用土壤、种地养地肥地、减施化肥能增产或平产、地面空气湿度提高有利于植被生长和生态环境改善、土壤持水量“盈余”效应有利于土壤保水等性能,提出在中国北方地区推广应用几亿亩,就有望使尘泥、氮氧化物、氨气成不了北京周边几百甚至千公里的地域空间成不了雾霾“推手”,加之工业治污等措施,达到治控雾霾灾害的目的。
Abstract: In this paper, according to the results by Weijian Zhou (who is an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences), ammonia contributes more than 20 percent to the haze released by nitrogen fertilizer. In recent 10 years, fertilizer application per unit area in China was excess 1.5 times than the international standard. China’s chemical fertilizer utilization rate is only 30%, and at least 20% - 30% nitrogen, and ammonia from chemical fertilizers were released into the air. The smog disastrous weather in northern China was frequent, we analysed the reason, which related to the shallow ploughing of agricultural production current mode, pile of fertilizers, excessive pumping of groundwater. These may cause dust rose in winter and spring when coverings are lacking, and the haze formation was influenced by the “diarrhea and vomiting” effect of nitrogen and ammonia volatilization. “Fenlong green agriculture” could activated soil, plant and nourish soil, reduce the amount of fertilizer,increase production or be normal yield. Ground air humidity increasing could be conducive to improving the ecological environment, making soil with good water quality. Based on the Fenlong functionality, hundreds millions acres of Fenlong cultivation was proposed to be popularization and application in northern China. It could reduce dust, oxynitride, and ammonia, and prevented them becoming a haze “driver”. As industrial decontamination measures are to be taken at the same time, it will attain the goal of controlling smog.
文章引用:韦本辉. 粉垄绿色农业联手工业治污可防患雾霾的探讨[J]. 世界生态学, 2017, 6(2): 77-81. https://doi.org/10.12677/IJE.2017.62009


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