A Brief Analysis of Government Procurement of Service—A Case Study in Qingdao Licang District
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.65083, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,756  浏览: 3,269 
作者: 张文涛:云南师范大学历史与行政学院,云南 昆明
关键词: 李沧区政府政府购买服务社会组织Licang District Government Government Purchase Service Social Organization
摘要: 随着新公共管理运动和治理理论在我国社会治理领域日渐发展,政府采购社会组织服务成为政府降低社会公共事务运行成本、提高服务效率的重要举措之一。我国政府与也与非政府组织(NGO,也称社会组织)之间建立了协同互助关系并取得了显著发展进步,但政府在向社会组织开放资源,监督评估等方面仍很薄弱。本文以青岛市李沧区政府购买社区服务建设的探索实践为例,阐述政府购买服务的理论逻辑、可行性,和现有模式,分析我国政府购买社会服务的现状、困境及问题,结合国内外政府购买公共服务经验提出我国政府完善及完整购买服务体系的迈进方向与建议。
Abstract: With the increasing development of the new management and governance theory in the field of China’s social governance, government procurement of service from social organizations has be-come one of the most important measure of service efficiency which could reduce operating costs and improve the social public affairs. Our government has also established mutual cooperative relationship between non-governmental organizations (NGO, also known as social organization) and made significant progress. But the aspect of open resources government provides to social organizations, supervision and evaluation of social organizations is still very weak. This essay quotes exploration and practice of Licang District in Qingdao government purchasing community service construction as an example, explains the theoretical logic, the feasibility and the existing model of purchase of services and analyzes the current situation and problems of China government purchase of social services. At the end of this essay, some suggestions are offered and demonstrate the directions of the Chinese government purchase of services combined with the domestic and foreign experiences of purchasing public services.
文章引用:张文涛. 政府购买服务浅析—以青岛李沧区政府购买社会组织服务为例[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(5): 598-603.


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