No Grave to Sweep, No Ancestor to Worship: An Investigation into Pu’er Dai Culture
DOI: 10.12677/MA.2017.52003, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 1,987  浏览: 3,929 
作者: 林 红*:厦门大学 人文学院人类学系,福建 厦门
关键词: 多样态普洱傣祖先崇拜婚恋家庭族属认同Diversity Pu’er Dai People Ancestor Worship Marriage and Family Ethnic Identity
摘要: 本文以田野调查所见所闻,阐述金平普洱傣人无祖先崇拜之习、恋爱婚姻家庭方面无传统继嗣观、以及族属认同上的“他者”意识,提出:不应一味强调傣族的同一而忽略甚至否认其内部的多样态,普洱傣人在灵魂崇拜、婚恋家庭、族属认同等方面表现出来的与白傣截然不同的特点,是对民族共同体内部多样性的绝好诠释。
Abstract: Based on field research among Pu’er Dai people in Jinping county of Yunnan Province, this study describes the absence of ancestor worship, the lack of descent concept in terms of marriage and family, and the consciousness of “otherness” regarding their ethnic identity. This study argues that the diversity within Dai Nationality should not be ignored or even denied due to the deliberately emphasized sameness of Dai people. The differences between Pu’er Dai people and Bai Dai people as demonstrated in aspects including ancestor worship, marriage and family, and ethnic identity are the best examples of cultural diversity within a nationality.
文章引用:林红. “无墓碑可扫”“无灵位可祭”的普洱傣文化考察[J]. 现代人类学, 2017, 5(2): 14-21. https://doi.org/10.12677/MA.2017.52003


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