On the Fragmentation of International Dispute Settlement Mechanism—In Perspective of International Investment
DOI: 10.12677/DS.2017.31001, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,762  浏览: 3,553 
作者: 叶兴平:深圳大学法学院,广东 深圳;深圳大学国际经济法律与政策研究所,广东 深圳
关键词: 碎片化国际争端解决投资仲裁Fragmentation International Dispute Settlement Investment Arbitration
摘要: 国际法碎片化起因于国际关系专门领域出现、自成一体的国际层面立法失控和非国家角色的地位增强等因素。而国际争端解决机制碎片化是国际法碎片化的体现,在实践中已经暴露出很多不容忽视的问题。特别是在投资领域,争端解决机制的碎片化倾向对法律和程序的公正性和权威性提出挑战。尝试在现有一些争端解决机制中设置上诉机构,重视先例的作用,推进国际法法典化工作以及强化国际法院在国际司法中的中心地位和扩大其管辖权范围,有助于缓解碎片化中的国际争端解决机制在理论和现实中面临的日益严重的困境。
Abstract: Due to the nearly increasing special fields in international relations, the out of control of lawmaking on global Level, and the strengthening trend of non-state actors, the fragmentation of international dispute settlement mechanism has arisen. As the concrete manifestation of international law fragmentation, international dispute settlement is confronted with serious and severe challenges. Such endeavors as the following would help alleviating the dilemma that international dispute settlement mechanism is faced with: setting the Appellate Body, attaching importance to the role of precedents, promoting the work of international law codification, and upgrading the central status of IJC in international justice.
文章引用:叶兴平. 国际争端解决机制碎片化问题分析—以投资领域为视角[J]. 争议解决, 2017, 3(1): 1-11. https://doi.org/10.12677/DS.2017.31001


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