The Idea of Establishing a National Park in South Hubei Province
DOI: 10.12677/SD.2017.72009, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,809  浏览: 4,171 
作者: 侯邦飞, 廖质琪:湖北大学资源环境学院,湖北 武汉
关键词: 国家公园试点建议构想National Park Pilotprogram Proposal Conceive
摘要: 国家公园作为自然保护地体系的重要组成部分,能够达到保护生态和开发资源的双赢目的。咸宁市境内以幕埠山为代表的鄂南山区,地处“中三角”中心地带,自然资源丰富,人文气息浓厚,完全具备履行国家公园职能的要素条件。本文对国家公园的概念进行了阐述,并对相关制度的建设情况作了简要的说明。在此基础上,结合鄂南山区的基本概况,提出了在咸宁市设立“鄂南国家公园”的设想,并对推行国家公园建设的过程中存在的难题进行了分析和说明。
Abstract: As an important component of natural reserve system, the national park can achieve win-win purposes of protecting ecology and developing resources. As representing mountainous regions of south Hubei Province, Mubu Mountain in Xianning City is located in the heartland of intermediate cam, being rich in natural resources and cultural atmosphere, which has the conditions for com-pletely performing the function of the national park. This paper stated definition of the national park, and gave a brief description of construction of relevant system. Then combining with the basic situation of the mountainous regions of south Hubei Province, it put forward an assumption of setting up National Park of south Hubei Province in Xianning city, and analyzed the possible problems in the process of implementing the national park.
文章引用:侯邦飞, 廖质琪. 建立“鄂南国家公园”的设想[J]. 可持续发展, 2017, 7(2): 71-76. https://doi.org/10.12677/SD.2017.72009


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