The Health Education View of Modern Educator Tao Xingzhi
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.64052, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,829  浏览: 5,788 
作者: 刘红军:天津中医药大学,天津
关键词: 陶行知健康教育价值Tao Xingzhi Health Education Value
摘要: 主要采用文献资料法,对陶行知的健康教育观及其当代价值进行了研究。陶行知认为健康教育人人需要,是民族强大的根基,健康教育的内容应丰富多元,以知行合一作为教育理念,采取不拘一格的教育形式,还要坚持终身教育的理念。其健康教育观的当代价值为:健康是一种生活态度;正确对待古今中外的教育遗产;构建全民健身体系;学校教育“健康第一”;学校教育与社会教育携手共进。
Abstract: This paper mainly adopted the documentary analysis to explore the health education view of Tao Xingzhi and its contemporary value. In Tao Xingzhi’s theory, health education is not only everyone needs, but the foundation of national power. The content and way of Health education should be eclectic, the education concept should be the unity of teaching doing and learning, and the idea of lifelong education concept should be build up. The modern value of his health education view is: health is an attitude of life; The right attitude towards the ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign education heritage; Construction of the national fitness system; The school education of “health first”; School education and social education go hand in hand.
文章引用:刘红军. 近代教育家陶行知的健康教育观[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(4): 385-389. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.64052


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