The Differences between Professional Social Work and Volunteer Service on Knowledge-Power Perspective
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.63044, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,894  浏览: 4,078  科研立项经费支持
作者: 崔 娟:广西科技大学社会科学学院,广西 柳州
关键词: 知识–权力专业社会工作志愿服务Knowledge and Power Professional Social Work Voluntary Service
摘要: 本文尝试借用福柯眼中的知识与权力关系,通过专业社会工作与志愿服务的差异分析,从服务的主体、方式以及客体三个方面阐释专业社会工作困窘的缘由。文章从建立社会工作服务和志愿服务的社会互动机制、加强社会工作专业人才队伍建设培育体系和“社工 + 义工”联动机制方面提出建议,以期倡导有助于专业社会工作发展的实践环境,促进和实现社会工作本土化。
Abstract: The paper borrows the theory about the intertwining of knowledge and power which is taken from Foucault by analysis of the difference between professional social work and voluntary ser-vice to describe the reason of social work’s predicament from the three aspects including the main body of service, the way of service and the object of service. At the end, the paper puts forward some proposals from building social work service and social interaction mechanism of voluntary service, strengthening the construction of the training system of social work profes-sionals and “social worker and volunteers” linkage mechanism with a view to promoting the development of professional social work practice environment, and realizing the localization of social work.
文章引用:崔娟. 知识–权力视角下的专业社会工作和志愿服务的差异研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(3): 327-331. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.63044


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