Research Review on Attentional Bias to Food Cue of Restrained Eaters
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.73034, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 1,735  浏览: 2,237 
作者: 段涤非, 张雪萌, 陈 红:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 限制性饮食食物线索注意偏向进食行为Restrained Eater Food Cues Attentional Biases Eating Behaviors
摘要: 本文回顾以往限制性饮食者对食物注意偏向的研究,梳理了研究方法、研究结果,并试图解释为什么有些限制性饮食者能成功有些失败,同时分析限制性饮食者对食物的注意偏向是否能反映其进食的动机,进而影响进食行为。
Abstract: This paper reviews previous research on attentional biases to food of restrained eater, combed the research methods and results, trying to explain why some restrained eaters are successful while some are not, and analyses whether attentional biases of restrained eater reflect their mo-tivation of eating, and so influent their Eating behaviors.
文章引用:段涤非, 张雪萌, 陈红 (2017). 限制性饮食者对食物信息的注意偏向研究综述. 心理学进展, 7(3), 260-269. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.73034


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