Grey Relational Analysis on Influencing Factors on Online Shopping
DOI: 10.12677/MOM.2017.71005, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,364  浏览: 4,769  科研立项经费支持
作者: 郑 彬:广东海洋大学管理学院,广东 湛江;赵振宇:广东海洋大学数学与计算机学院,广东 湛江
关键词: 网络购物意愿灰关联分析网络营销Online Shopping Willingness Gray Relational Analysis Online Marketing
摘要: 本文从现有文献和观点中提炼出了影响消费者网络购物意愿的主要因素,构建了一个影响消费者网络购物意愿的分析框架,并基于此框架运用灰关联分析方法进行了探索性的实证研究,验证了影响消费者购物意愿因素之间的关系和排序,有助于指导企业开展营销活动。
Abstract: After reviewing the recent literature of online marketing, main influencing factors of consumers' online shopping intention are drawn out. Then an analytical framework of influencing consumer’s online shopping willingness is established and an exploratory empirical study is conducted, where the influence of those factors on online shopping is presented through grey relation analysis. It is verified the relationship among the factors influencing the consumer’s shopping intentions and the sorting of these factors, and helped to guide enterprises to carry out marketing activities.
文章引用:郑彬, 赵振宇. 消费者网络购物意愿影响因素的灰关联分析[J]. 现代市场营销, 2017, 7(1): 40-47. https://doi.org/10.12677/MOM.2017.71005


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