Research on Career Maturity and Job Attainment—The Effectiveness of Social Vocational Interest
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作者: 徐春虹*, 许为民:东华大学旭日工商管理学院,上海
关键词: 职业成熟度职位获取社会型职业兴趣Career Maturity Job Attainment Social Vocational Interest
摘要: 大学生的就业问题一直是社会普遍关注的重点和难点问题,本研究从大学生个体素质的角度出发,探究大学生的职业成熟度与社会型职业兴趣与其职位获取间的联系,发现:1) 职业成熟度能有效增加大学生成功获取职位的可能性;2) 社会型职业兴趣能正向促进职业成熟度与职位获取间的联系。
Abstract: The employment of the fresh college graduates is one of the biggest problems today, which has drawn great attention of the whole community. Therefore, this study tries to figure out the rea-sons through analyzing the relationships between career maturity, social vocational interest and job attainment. And the result shows: 1) career maturity is positively related to job attainment and 2) to some extent, social vocational interest will enhance this effect.
文章引用:徐春虹, 许为民. 职业成熟度和职位获取研究—社会型职业兴趣的效用[J]. 现代管理, 2017, 7(1): 1-7. https://doi.org/10.12677/MM.2017.71001


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