The Influence on China Cement Industry Allocative Efficiency due to Eliminating Inefficient Production Capacity
DOI: 10.12677/SD.2017.71004, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,773  浏览: 2,828 
作者: 陈金婵:同济大学经济与管理学院,上海;李广振:山东省建筑科学研究院,山东 济南
关键词: 水泥行业落后产能回归分析分配效率Cement Industry Inefficient Production Capacity Regression Analysis Allocative Efficiency
摘要: 在我国经济迅猛发展过程中,水泥行业出现了严重产能过剩的问题。政府采取各种途径消化过剩产能。本文以水泥行业淘汰落后产能为例,对1998~2007年国内水泥企业的数据进行回归分析,研究淘汰落后产能对行业内分配效率的影响。研究发现,这种化解产能过剩的模式使得整个水泥行业的配置效率有了大幅度提高,因此在政策引导下,真正发挥市场的矫正和调节作用,再加上必要的宏观调控,是进一步化解我国产能过剩问题,优化产业结构的关键。
Abstract: In the rapid development process of our country’s economy, the cement industry has created serious overcapacity problem, which the government has tried various ways to solve. Taking the cement industry eliminating inefficient production capacity as an example, this paper carried out regression analysis on the cement enterprise data in 1998-2007 to study the impact of the elimination of inefficient production capacity on the allocative efficiency of the industry. The study found that this kind of mode of resolving the overcapacity of the cement industry makes allocative efficiency of the industry have a huge improvement, which in another way proves that the correction and adjustment of market itself, coupled with some necessary macroeconomic control, is the key to digest the excessive capacity of our country and also the key to optimize the industrial structure.
文章引用:陈金婵, 李广振. 淘汰落后产能对中国水泥业分配效率的影响研究[J]. 可持续发展, 2017, 7(1): 23-31. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SD.2017.71004


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