Misreading and Originality of the Literary Theory Text
DOI: 10.12677/WLS.2016.44016, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,645  浏览: 3,356  科研立项经费支持
作者: 史玉辉:江苏师范大学文学院,江苏 徐州
关键词: 文学理论文本误读原创性Literary Theory Text Misreading Originality
摘要: 文学理论文本是指供阅读的研究文学原理、范畴和判断标准等问题的语言构成物。文学理论文本的阅读存在着误读现象,对文本进行有限制的创造性误读是必要的,而解读文学理论文本的原创性是创造性误读的重要方式。文学理论文本的原创性可以理解为文学理论文本中具有特定理论图式的作者开创,唤起接受者不断再创造的独特理论阐释空间的性质。作者创造性与读者创造性的交互作用以及语境是文学理论文本原创性产生的主客观条件。
Abstract: Literary theory text refers to the language form which researches for reading literature principle, category and the judgment standard. Our reading of literary theory text is a misreading phenomenon. It is necessary to carry out limited creative misreading of the text. Originality of the literary theory text is the important way of creative misreading. Originality of the literary theory text can be understood as the text’s nature has certain theory space of interpretation that authors created, and stimulate the recipient to continuously create. Originality of literary theory text comes from the interaction of writers’ and readers’ creativity and context.
文章引用:史玉辉. 文学理论文本的误读与原创性[J]. 世界文学研究, 2016, 4(4): 96-102. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/WLS.2016.44016


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