Analysis on College Graduates Employment and Countermeasure—A Case Study of Guizhou University Graduates
DOI: 10.12677/HJDM.2017.71001, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,186  浏览: 5,698  科研立项经费支持
作者: 王益会:贵州师范学院数学与计算机科学学院,贵州 贵阳;廖玉梅, 张 漫, 王 丽:贵州师范学院大学生互联网+创新创业训练中心,贵州 贵阳
关键词: 高校毕业生就业难就业对策聚类ARIMA模型Employment Difficulty of College Graduates Employment Strategies Cluster ARIMA Models
摘要: 当今社会,随着全国普通高校毕业生人数逐年增加,大学生就业难已成为一个棘手的问题。贵州省处于我国的西南地区的经济及教育相对落后的省份,从理论上而言,西部大开发的浪潮中急需各类人才,但在对高校毕业生就业难及对策分析中,贵州高校毕业生就业难却比东部发达省更为突出。本文运用了时间序列、聚类、抽样调查等知识,以贵州高校毕业生为例对贵州高校毕业生就业难及对策分析,研究贵州高校毕业生就业难的原因及对策,通过全国的就业情况和贵州的就业情况作对比。提出一些对贵州高校就业难的对策及建议。
Abstract: In today’s society, with the national yearly increase in the number of college graduates, employ-ment has become a thorny issue. Guizhou province is located in the southwest of China, whose economic and education are relatively backward. Theoretically speaking, in the wave of develop-ment of the western region, much talent is needed; but in the analysis of employment difficulty of graduates of colleges and universities in Guizhou and its countermeasures, employment difficulty of college graduates in Guizhou was more prominent than the eastern developed provinces. Based on the Guizhou University graduates, this paper uses time series, clustering, knowledge of sampling to study causes and countermeasures of employment difficulty of them, through the comparison of national employment situation and the employment situation of Guizhou. Some countermeasures and suggestions for difficult employment of colleges in Guizhou are put forward.
文章引用:王益会, 廖玉梅, 张漫, 王丽. 对高校毕业生就业难及对策分析—以贵州高校毕业生为例[J]. 数据挖掘, 2017, 7(1): 1-15. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HJDM.2017.71001


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