Statistic Analysis of Medical Depression Index
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.610141, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,777  浏览: 7,622  科研立项经费支持
作者: 陈俊意, 兰 丁, 郭 兵:重庆医药高等专科学校, 重庆
关键词: 学生潜在忧郁指数通径分析主成分分析Student Potential Depression Index Path Analysis Principal Components Analysis
摘要: 目的:对学生潜在忧郁指数进行统计分析,以期对医学专科学校学生心理健康辅导提供参考。方法:以重庆医药高等专科学校学生为研究对象,采取随机抽样的办法,从参与集体活动,任职学生干部,学业挫折,家庭经济条件,情感挫折,身体伤害以及家庭情感氛围等七个相关因素进行研究。结果如下:1)通过相关和通径分析,结果表明,学生潜在忧郁指数与情感挫折和学业挫折二个因素达到了极显著水平,与家庭情感氛围达到了极显著负相关,情感挫折对学生潜在忧郁指数的正向直接作用最大,通径系数为0.7371,其次是学业挫折,其通径系数为0.1321;其它因素的直接作用大小依次为身体伤害(0.076)、参与集体活动(0.0089)、家庭情感氛围(−0.0870)、家庭经济条件(−0.0481)以及任职学生干部(−0.0272),其中家庭情感氛围通径系数绝对值排在情感挫折和学业挫折之后,位居第3位。2) 通过主成分分析,结果表明,前5个主成分累计贡献率为91.08%,已经超过85%,主成分1为学生潜在忧郁指数的内心抗压力因子,主成分2和主成分5为学生潜在忧郁指数的参与集体活动和组织能力因子,主成分3为学生潜在忧郁指数的人际关系因子,主成分4为学生潜在忧郁指数的家庭经济条件因子。根据二种统计分析方法得出综合结论,学生情感挫折、学业挫折和家庭情感氛围三个因素为影响学生潜在忧郁指数的主要因素,学业挫折位列情感挫折之后,说明情感因素而非成绩因素在影响学生的心理状态,目前学生的心理辅导还有需要改进的地方。
Abstract: Chongqing Medical and Pharmaceutical College students were selected to study on student poten-tial depression index with path analysis and principal components analysis from seven relevant factors (Doing group activities (X1), Office of students cadres (X2), Academic frustration (X3), Family economic conditions (X4), Emotion frustration (X5), Bodily injury (X6), Family emotional atmosphere (X7)). The main results were summarized as follows: 1) The results with correlation and path analysis: student potential depression index had the most significant positive correlations with emotion frustration and academic frustration, and negative correlation with family emotional atmosphere. Emotion frustration had the most positive influence on student potential depression index with the direct path coefficient 0.7371. The second was academic frustration with the direct path coefficient 0.1321. The influence sizes of other characters orderly were bodily injury (0.076), doing group activities (0.0089), family emotional atmosphere (−0.0870), family economic conditions (−0.0481) and office of students’ cadres (−0.0272). The absolute value of path coefficient for family emotional atmosphere was third, ranking after emotional frustration and academic frustration. 2) The results with principal components analysis: The contribution ratio of accumulated variance reached 91.08%. The 5 principal components reflected student potential depression index. The first principal component was a factor of inner pressure resistance; the second and the fifth principal components were a factor of participate in collective activities and organization ability; the third principal component was a factor of interpersonal relationship and the forth principal component was a factor of family economic conditions. Emotion frustration, academic frustration, and family emotional atmosphere were the most important factors to affect student potential depression index. Academic frustration ranked second after emotion frustration, not first. It showed that non academic factors influence student potential depression index and that it needs improvement of methods and areas for students’ psychological counseling.
文章引用:陈俊意, 兰丁, 郭兵 (2016). 医学专科学校学生潜在忧郁指数的统计分析. 心理学进展, 6(10), 1117-1125. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.610141


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