Embodied Numerosity: Sensori-Motor and Body Movement Influence Spatial-Numerical Representation
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.610140, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,263  浏览: 5,640  科研立项经费支持
作者: 朱荣娟, 周 圆, 张 宇, 游旭群:陕西师范大学心理学院,陕西省行为与认知神经科学重点实验室,陕西 西安
关键词: SNAs效应感觉运动身体运动手指计数具身认知SNAs Effect Sensori-Motor Body Movement Finger Counting Embodied Cognition
摘要: 空间数量联结效应(Spatial-Numerical Associations, SNAs)是指包括阿拉伯数字在内的形式更广泛的数量与空间之间的联结效应。本文从感觉和身体运动的角度,详细概述了视觉系统和前庭系统,身体运动和手指计数对空间数量表征的影响,并用具身理论对其进行新的解释,认为数量认知源于感觉和身体经验。未来的研究需借助于脑成像等研究手段来深入探讨基于感觉和身体运动的空间数量表征的神经生理机制,以及从纵向发展角度考查手指计数活动与空间数量表征之间的本质联系。
Abstract: The SNAs effect refers to the association effect between space and a wide range of quantities in-cluding Arabic numerals. In this paper, the effects of visual system and vestibular system, body motion and finger counting on SNAs are described in detail from the perspective of sensation and body movement. A new explanation is given with the theory of embodiment in this paper indicating that the cognition of numbers origins from the senses and physical experiences. Future research needs to explore the neurophysiological mechanism of SNAs based on sensory and body motion by means of brain imaging and other research methods, and examine the essential relationship between finger counting activity and SNAs from the perspective of longitudinal development.
文章引用:朱荣娟, 周圆, 张宇, 游旭群 (2016). 具身数量:感觉运动和身体运动对空间数量表征的影响. 心理学进展, 6(10), 1108-1116. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.610140


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