The Effect of Utility Value Intervention on Situational Interest and Learning Outcome in Online Learning Environment
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.610139, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,565  浏览: 9,288  国家科技经费支持
作者: 高苗苗, 熊俊梅, 段晓明:华中师范大学,青少年网络心理与行为教育部重点实验室,湖北 武汉;华中师范大学心理学院,湖北 武汉
关键词: 网络学习效用价值干预期望情境兴趣学习效果Online Learning Utility Value Intervention Expectancy for Success Situational Interest Learning Outcome
摘要: 本文基于两位数乘法心算方法专题学习网站,采用情境实验法考察网络学习中效用价值干预对不同期望水平学生的情境兴趣和学习效果的影响。结果发现:效用价值干预显著提高学生在网络学习中的效用价值,尤其是低期望学生的效用价值;效用价值干预对激发性情境兴趣和维持性情境兴趣的主效应显著;干预条件能显著提高学习满意度,尤其是低期望学生的学习满意度。研究表明:效用价值干预是提升学生网络学习兴趣及学习满意度的关键因素,且干预对低期望学生尤为有效。
Abstract: Based on the learning website for double-digit multiplication arithmetic method, this study used a situational experiment method to examine whether a utility value intervention can affect situa-tional interest and learning outcomes in online learning environment, and whether the interven-tion will be stronger for students who have low expectancies for success. The results showed that in the online learning context, the utility value intervention can improve students’ utility value, particularly for students who have low expectancies for success. Besides, there was a main effect of the intervention condition on triggered and maintained situational interest. Finally, the inter-vention condition can significantly affect student’s learning satisfaction, particularly for students who have low expectancies for success. So the utility value intervention is the key factor to improve students’ online learning interest and learning satisfaction, especially for students who have low expectancies for success.
文章引用:高苗苗, 熊俊梅, 段晓明 (2016). 网络学习中效用价值干预对学习兴趣及学习效果的影响. 心理学进展, 6(10), 1093-1107.


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