The Mindfulness Training in the Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.610129, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,487  浏览: 6,894 
作者: 宋亚男:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 正念训练幼儿大学生Mindfulness Training Child Undergraduate
摘要: 正念是一种通过将注意指向当下目标而产生的,不加评判地对待此时此刻各种体验的意识状态。近年来,正念训练越来越成为心理学领域的热门课题,尤其是对各个年龄阶段的功效研究。本文总结近年来正念训练在大学生、儿童和青少年以及年龄更小的幼儿群体当中的研究成果,并指出正念训练不仅能提高个体心理功能,也能促使其神经机制得到相应的改善。最后,文章指出了未来正念研究的方向。
Abstract: Mindfulness is a state of consciousness which is produced by paying attention to the current target, and without judging all kinds of experience at this moment. In recent years, mindfulness training more and more becomes a hot topic in the field of psychology, especially the research on the effect in different ages. This article summarizes the research results of mindfulness training in college students, children and teenagers and younger children groups, and points out that mindfulness training not only can improve individual psychological function, also can make the neural me-chanisms improved accordingly. Finally, the paper points out the future direction of mindfulness.
文章引用:宋亚男 (2016). 发展认知神经科学视角下的正念训练. 心理学进展, 6(10), 1015-1023. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.610129


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