Evidence-Based Research of Acupoint Injection of Compound Anisodine to Treat Dry Eye Syndrome
DOI: 10.12677/HJO.2016.53012, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,926  浏览: 4,496  科研立项经费支持
作者: 夏朝霞, 杨筱曦, 冯志贞, 陈向华, 马演玲, 屈 蕾, 陈斐妮:中山大学附属第六医院眼科,广东 广州
关键词: 复方樟柳碱颞浅动脉干眼Compound Anisodine Arteria Temporalis Superficialis Dry Eye
摘要: 目的:应用复方樟柳碱(compound anisodine, CA)注射液行颞浅动脉旁注射治疗干眼症,探讨干眼恢复的效果。方法:采用复方樟柳碱注射液2 ml对单纯性干眼症患者50例和难治性干眼症患者82例,行颞浅动脉旁注射2~5个疗程,观察注射前后干眼的各项指标:泪膜破裂时间(break-up time, BUT)、基础泪液分泌试验(Schinmer II test, Sit II)、角膜荧光素钠染色(fluorescein, FL)及干涩、刺痛、流泪、畏光、异物感、视物模糊等症状。结果:治疗2~5个疗程后分别观察上述指标,干涩、异物感减轻,刺痛、流泪、畏光、视物模糊消失,与治疗前比较BUT明显延长(t = 25.366, 22.125, 17.148),SIt分泌增加(t = −14.726, −17.213, −7.256),FL染色率也明显减少。差异均有统计学意义(p < 0.01)。结论:无论是单纯性干眼症和难治性干眼症患者采用复方樟柳碱注射液行颞浅动脉旁注射治疗后症状和体征均有显著性改善。
Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the improvement of xerophthalmia following acupoint injection compound anisodine (CA) in the patients with scheroma. Methods: This randomized study involved 50 cases (50 eyes) with simple patients with scheroma and 82 cases (82 eyes) with refractory patients with scheroma. All patients with scheroma were treated for 2 - 5 courses of treatment by acupoint in-jection compound anisodine 2 milliliter (ml) in lateral arteria temporalis superficialis. The symp-toms of dry eye, tear break-up time (BUT), Schinmer II test (SIt) value and corneal fluorescein staining (FL), including dry feeling, stinging sensation, lachrymation, photophobia, fricative feeling, indistinct vision were measured pre-therapy and post-treatment. Results: At post-treatment for 2 - 5 courses, all symptoms of aforementioned disappeared. The subjective complains of dry eye improved. The mean SIt (t = −14.726, −17.213, −7.256) and BUT (t = 25.366, 22.125, 17.148) lengthened significantly (p < 0.01 for normal group). The FL scores decreased significantly. There were statistically significant differences (p < 0.01). Conclusions: Acupoint injection compound an-isodine in lateral arteria temporalis superficialis can improve the symptoms and signs of simple and refractory patients with scheroma.
文章引用:夏朝霞, 杨筱曦, 冯志贞, 陈向华, 马演玲, 屈蕾, 陈斐妮. 复方樟柳碱穴位注射治疗干眼症的循证研究[J]. 眼科学, 2016, 5(3): 70-76. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HJO.2016.53012


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