Self-Identity Development from the Multi-Level Integrated Perspective
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.68116, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,208  浏览: 7,842 
作者: 李秋生:华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院,上海
关键词: 自我同一性生物生态系统理论整合相互作用层次性Self-Identity Bioecological Systems Theory Integration Interaction Hierarchy
摘要: 自我同一性发展受到诸多因素的影响和交互影响。采用多层次整合的生物生态系统理论视角,能够很好地阐明这种复杂的影响机制。自我同一性发展是持续进行的过程,并且以人的特征作为发展的前提和基础。自我同一性发展受到多层次情境因素的影响,不同情境因素之间存在着层层嵌套的交互作用。随着时间的推进,自我同一性也发生着变化,体现出发展的个人阶段和社会阶段特点。生物生态系统理论提供了个人性、层次性、整合性、动态性视角,对未来的自我同一性研究和干预具有全新的指导意义。
Abstract: Self-identity development process is influenced by many factors and those factors interact with each other. The bioecological systems theory with multi-level integrated perspective can clarify the complex impact mechanism clearly. Self-identity development is an ongoing process with the premise and foundation of person’s characteristics. Self-identity development is influenced by multiple levels of situational factors. There are interactions between the different layers of nested contextual factors. With the advancement of time, self-identity is changing, reflecting the devel-opment characteristics of personal stages and social stages. The bioecological systems theory pro-vides the individual, hierarchical, integrated, and dynamic perspectives for future self-identity researches.
文章引用:李秋生 (2016). 多层次整合视角下的自我同一性发展. 心理学进展, 6(8), 906-913. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.68116


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