Microbial in Fresh-Cut Vegetables and Its Control Method
DOI: 10.12677/HJFNS.2016.53010, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,984  浏览: 5,790  科研立项经费支持
作者: 马涌航, 陈湘宁:北京农学院食品科学与工程学院,北京;食品质量与安全北京实验室,北京;农产品有害微生物及农残安全检测与控制北京市重点实验室,北京
关键词: 鲜切蔬菜微生物防治方法Fresh-Cut Vegetables Microorganisms Prevention Methods
摘要: 鲜切蔬菜含有大量的水分,而且由于切割导致表面的细胞组织已经受到破坏,使其不再是一个整体,所以极易受到病原微生物的污染。病原微生物是影响鲜切蔬菜安全问题的主要因素之一,对鲜切蔬菜进行灭菌处理能够增加鲜切蔬菜的食用安全性。本文对鲜切蔬菜中微生物的种类以及目前存在的一些灭菌方法进行了探讨与展望。
Abstract: Fresh-cut vegetables contain a lot of water, but because of cutting surface, tissue has been destroyed so that it is no longer a whole, so vulnerable to pathogenic microorganism pollution. Pathogenic microorganism is one of the main factors affecting the safety of fresh-cut vegetables. Fresh-cut vegetables sterilization treatment can increase the food safety of fresh-cut vegetables. This article has carried on the discussion and prospect of microorganisms in fresh-cut vegetables and some existing methods of sterilization.
文章引用:马涌航, 陈湘宁. 鲜切菜中有害微生物及其防治方法探究[J]. 食品与营养科学, 2016, 5(3): 73-80. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HJFNS.2016.53010


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