Interventions That Improve Children’s Executive Functions at Home and Abroad
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.67104, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,653  浏览: 6,094 
作者: 王 静, 邢淑芬:首都师范大学心理学系,北京
关键词: 执行功能干预方案儿童Executive Function Intervention Children
摘要: 执行功能对儿童的发展来说至关重要。已有的研究表明有5项能够提高儿童执行功能的干预方案——电脑训练、有氧运动和体育活动、正念和瑜伽、学校课程以及音乐训练。所有这些活动都需要反复练习以及不断挑战儿童的执行功能,并且同时解决情绪和社会发展(如学校课程)以及身体发展(如武术和瑜伽)比单纯地关注执行功能要有效。此外,干预方案应引起儿童的兴趣,利用儿童的热情和兴趣为他们的身心发展和学业成功服务。
Abstract: Executive functions are essential to the development of children. Existing researches show that there are five intervention programs which can improve children’s executive functions—comput- er training, aerobic exercise and physical activity, mindfulness and yoga, the school curriculum and music training. All of these activities need to practice repeatedly and keep challenging children’s executive functions, and focusing narrowly on executive functions may be not as effective as addressing emotional and social development (such as school curriculum) and physical develop-ment (such as martial arts and yoga). In addition, intervention programs should arouse the interest of children and use children’s passionate interests in the service of the children’s physical and mental development and academic success.
文章引用:王静, 邢淑芬 (2016). 国内外有关儿童执行功能的提升方案. 心理学进展, 6(7), 798-807. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.67104


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